Chapter 7:Mix

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*At school*

Chanyeol's Pov

I walk to school.Acting cool and chillin'

"Kyaaaa!!Chanyeol Oppa!!!You look cooooolll!!!"

Ah~Girls screaming for me.Fangirling

I wink at them that made them scream louder


Wow,I made them fangirling crazily.At that time,I saw them running to me.Shoot!!


I run as fast as I can.I was searching for my friends but none of them are here yet

"Shoot!!I need to hide!!,"I run here and there but they found me

As I ran,I saw Moon talking to one of her friends

"Oh,Chanyeol!Why are you running?,"she laugh

"No time,follow me!!,"I grab her hand

"Uh..see you later guuuuuuyyyyyssss!!!,"she shouted to her friends

We ran and ran.

"Chanyeol stop,I'm tired,"she said

"Mianhae!Please wait a moment,"I said

"Let's hide here!!,"she gesture to the Janitor closet.

No choice!

We run to the Janitor closet and close the door.I lean against the door.And I heard their footsteps amd screaming


I sigh of relieve and collapse to the floor.Panting from running

"Sorry,I drag you,"I said

"It's ok.It's a fun exercise though,"she said.I laugh

"Shhh!They might hear your voice,"she said.I close my mouth.She laugh

After a sec,Moon open the door to check on them

"All clear!,"she said

"Thanks!And again sorry for dragging you,"I said

"Welcome and it's ok Chanyeol I forgiven,"she said

"See you in class,"she continue and walk away

"Yeah,see you!,"I said.She's cute

"Hey~What did you guys do just now?,"a voice said

"Baekhyun!!ByunBaek!!Where have you been?,"I said

"Don't try to change the topic,Chanyeol,"he said

"What?I'm not changing the topic.Seriously!Where have you been?,"I said

"Chanyeol~What did you guys do just now?Hmmm,"Baekhyun smirk

"We just running from the fangirls.Satisfy?,"I said and walk away

"Hey,Chanyeol!Come on,I was just playing dude!,"he said.But,I ignored him

"Ya!Park Dobi!!,"he called me by that name.But,still ignoring him

"Ya!Park Dobi!Park Dobi!!Ya,Dobi!!Listen to me!,"he said

"Ya,I have my own name!!BA!!CON!!,"I said

"Ya!!You!!,"he ran to me.I ran away

"Ya,stop right there!!,"he caught me and hit me

"Ah!Ow!Baekhyun stop!,"I said

"Then run!,"he said

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