Chapter 6:Daydreaming

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Jessica's Pov

It's Sunday.And I'm walking to my favourite cafe.The Cafe.Hehe

As usual,I went in.Went to the counter.Order something.Turn around and...oh look someone I knew is sitting on the chair.Daydreaming...You know who the person is

"Hey,Minju!I didn't know you came here!You came here everyday?,"I ask

"Nah~I just came here twice,"she said

"Oh~May I join?,"I ask

"Sure,"she said without taking a glance at me

"Hey,you're ok?,"I ask again

"Huh?Oh yeah!,"she said

"Come on~Speak to me,"I said

She sigh."Should I confess to him?"

"Hmm?Confess?Oh~You just now daydreaming about Baekhyun?Well,I don't know you should confess or not.Cause it's your choice,Juju!,"I said

She sigh again."I don't know.Maybe he likes me as a friend!"

"I doubt that!Maybe he likes you too!,"I said

"Well,maybe we don't know!There's a lot of pretty girls out there!Maybe he has one out there somewhere!,"she said

I sigh."Juju!Please ok?Stop this!I just send a text to him.Saying 'Let's meet up!At the park! From your beloved friend:Minju!',"I said

"Nah,don't text him.I just do it on my own!In my dreams!,"she said and start to daydreaming again

"Minju,stop daydreaming!Your tea will get cold!,"I said

"Who cares!I don't have to wait it to be cold anymore,"she said

Tsk!This kid!

"Hey,guys!Didn't saw you guys here!,"said a voice

"Hmm?Oh,hi Baekhyun!,"I said

Minju was surprise when I said 'Baekhyun'

"B-Baekhyun?What are you doing here?,"she said

"Oh,just getting some drink!,"he said

"Hi,Jessica!,"D.O said

"D.O!!!Hi!!!,"I said

"Mind we join?,"he ask.I nodded

Then,we talk amd laugh together

*After awhile*

"See you guys tomorrow!!,"said Baekhyun

"Bye,baby girl~,"D.O sang at the last part

"Haha bye~,"I wave at them

"Let's go home,Minju!Minju?,"I turn around and Minju was not there!

Where could she be?!

Then,I heard voices behiiiiiiiiind me

"Bye~,"she said

"Minju there you are!!Shish,where did you go?!,"I said.Then,I saw a blue haired guy beside her

"Oh mian!I was just talking to my cousin Park Jimin.Jimin!Meet my friend Jo Jessica!Jessica!Meet my cousin Park Jimin!!,"she said gesturing her hand at her cousin.Oo~he's cute!

"Nice to meet you,Jo Jessica!,"he said.And he gesture his hand to shake

"Nice to meet you too,Park Jimin.But just call me Jessica!,"I said and shake his hand.He smile.Haha cute

"Ya,Jimin!There you are let's go!,"a voice said

"Oh sorry!Well,see you Minju!Oh here I forgot.My mother wanted this cookie to give you guys!Bye!,"he said

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