Chapter 9

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"Come on, come on! Let's go!" Jesse told the gang as they came running down to the docks and got in a small motor boat. 

"Do you know how to drive this thing?" Nadine asked Jesse nervously. 

"Not really" Jesse replied, which made Nadine moan nervously as they took off. 

Jesse, Kali, and Nadine took the boat and drove it to the other side of Elvis and the twins. The three younger kids all hopped in the boat joining their older siblings. 

"Alright, let's go!" Jesse said, driving the boat and they took off. 

"What's the plan, Jesse?" Ann asked. 

"To get the whales out of here!" Jesse said. 

"Uh, guys? Look!" Brock pointed out getting everyone's attention. 

The kids turned back to see some of Milner's assistants in their own boat following them. 

"They're coming after us" Nadine said. 

"Yeah, guess again" Elvis smirked. 

The older kids gave confused looks until they saw that an anchor had been tied to the end of the boat, so when it tried to leave the dock it got stuck and sent Milner's goons flying into the water and making the kids laugh. 

"Did you do that?" Nadine asked Elvis and the twins. 

"Yeah" Elvis nodded. 

"Pretty great trick, huh?" Brock asked, giving a boastfully smirk while Ann just rolled her eyes at her twin brother in annoyance. 

"Nice going, guys" Kali smiled proudly at her little siblings, ruffling both their heads. 

The kids headed out further into the cove to find their orca friends. 

"Guys, do you see Willy?" Jesse asked the others. 

"No" They all frowned. 

"I see Tico, Littlespot and Luna..." Nadine replied. "But I don't see Willy"

Jesse and Kali both glanced at each other before they both put their hands in the water and started splashing, hoping Willy would come to them. 

"Come on, boy... Come here..." They both said, scanning the cove for any sign of their orca friend. 

Suddenly, Willy poked his head up out of the water in front of the kids, bumping into the boat. 

"Whoa!" The kids said in surprise, trying to keep their balance. 

"Hey," Kali chuckled, smiling at Willy as she patted him on the head. 

"Good boy" Jesse told Willy while rubbing the orca's head. 

John Milner and his goons happened to be watching them from the docks along with Randolph, Dr Haley and the others. 

"These kids are nuts" One of Milner's assistants said about Kali and Jesse with Willy. 

"Yeah, good boy Willy" Kali told Willy while rubbing him down. "Are you guys alright?" she asked the orcas. 

"We will be once we get out of here" Willy replied. 

"Don't worry," Jesse told his orca friend. "It's gonna be okay, I promise"

"Do you happen to have a plan?" Tico asked curiously, swimming up next to Willy's side. 

"Oh, we have a plan alright" Kali smirked at Jesse while he then told Willy. "Hey, Willy, do you see that boom?" 

Willy turned out to see the protective boom blocking the cove's exit for the orcas to get out. 

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