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⸺It had been weeks since that day, miserable weeks, Lucy would say. Nothing much has changed other than a few short conversations with Sirius Black, who had reluctantly introduced himself after a few days. Lucy was pretty sure he was one of her distant Uncles or Cousins, and that he also wasn't the only distant family member she had met.

Every week, sometimes more, the prisoners on a floor would gather in a large room, the rec room. That was where you would get a glimpse of the human guards, before they disappeared behind a door down the hall. They would be on the other side of a charmed window, you couldn't see them, but they could see you. At first it had bothered Lucy, but after what happened, she didn't mind so much anymore.

She had followed Sirius to a table in the corner where another man sat. He had introduced himself as Johnny, he had a weird accent, and when Lucy asked him about it, he said he was from America. 

She wondered where exactly that was, but didn't make any move to ask. She didn't want to be annoying, Violet always said she came off that way. 

Sirius and him sat across from each other and played a game of cards, what game, Lucy wasn't sure. Apparently it was a muggle game. 

Lucy had sat next to Sirius with her head on the table, watching as a card was flung into a pile, when a tall woman with wild black hair sat down next to Johnny and across from her. Lucy had straightened up, the aura that the woman gave off was chilling, almost as chilling as the Dementors. 

"What's this?" she had said in a childish curiosity, it had scared Lucy. "A bitty baby girly has landed herself here of all places?"

"Piss off, Bellatrix. Go worship your Voldy shrine as your presence isn't wanted here." Lucy thought Sirius was mad. Bellatrix Lestrange. That was who this woman was. Lucy had heard the stories, this was one thing that her family couldn't hide from her, and was practically shaking in her seat.

Bellatrix slowly stood up as the area around them quieted. The air was tense, it suffocated Lucy as she watched the hollow witch. 

"How dare you insult my Lord! You are a disgusting excuse to ever have been born into the Black family, you filthy blood-traitor!" Her eyes were wide with madness, her lip curled upwards, and her pale and bony fingers pointed right at Sirius.

"Honestly, how original of you." Sirius had said bitterly while looking straight into Bellatrix's eyes. Rage. That would be the only thing Lucy could describe this next moment as.

Bellatrix had lunged over the table and tackled Sirius to the ground. Guards stormed in, wands at the ready, as Lucy screamed and scrambled away. She ended up on the floor on the other side of the table as Auror Guards stormed around and past her.

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