Chapter 13: Meeting Ariel and King Triton

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We were riding in our usual spots of the gummy, heading to a world that looked blue like the ocean.  We had about a few miles left to it, so we sat back and ended up enjoying the ride.  Sora huffed as he slouched in his chair. "Oh. How much longer Riku?" he whined as Riku spoke. "At this rate, Sora. You continue to whine and it'll be a lot longer than you thought" Riku said, as we continued to drive.  Dale jumped on my shoulder as he looked at Sora. "You keep complaining like that and he'll go even slower," he said, as Sora jolted in his seat. "Oh come on. I was just playing around" he said, as Kim chuckled a bit.  I sighed as I thought of how the ship was.  I smiled as I looked back at Kim and Sora.  "For once, your not singing baby shark," I said, as Kim sighed. "I'm getting tired of baby shark. We need to mix it up now" Sora said as Riku looked at me. "What?" I asked him as he spoke. "Ok, so what was that song you sung to snap Mal out of Jafar's trans? It was about a duck." Kim burst out laughing as we both sing the song.  Sora started to laugh uncontrollably, as he leaned forward. If it wasn't for his seat belt, he would've fallen out of his chair.  Riku's face shown a weirded look, that I couldn't really explain. Kim and I just shouted out the lyrics as we sang our little hearts out. After we were done, the gummy went silent. "What just happened?" Sora asked as Riku shook his head. "I don't know Sora.  I just don't know" he said, as Kim and I burst out laughing.  "We didn't teach you the duck song yet?" I asked as Riku looked at me. "The what song?" he asked as I sighed. "It's called the Duck Song.  It's another stupid kids song that we listen to every once in a while."  Sora sighed as he spoke. "I got a question about that," he said, as I looked back at him. "What?" I asked as he spoke. "Why would a duck want grapes? I don't feed grapes to Donald" he said, as I sighed. "It's just a stupid song. We just annoy people with it" I said as he nodded. I sat in my seat as I sighed. "By the way, did we lose Donald and Goofy?" I asked as Riku spoke. "The king had them go to another world.  They'll meet us somewhere at some point" he said, as I nodded. "Ok," I said, as I sighed. 

The gummy went silent as Sora spoke. "Riku, I got a question," he said, as Riku sighed. "What is it Sora?" he asked as Sora spoke. "Got any grapes?" he asked, as Kim and I burst out laughing.  Riku sighed as he spoke. "Thanks, girls. Thanks" he said, as I looked at him. "Your welcome," I said, as we came closer to Atlantis.  "Here we go," Riku said, as we plunged into the world, seeping down into the watered sphere.  It started being really shallow until we got deeper and we started to see wildlife.  Fish and sharks swam over the gummy, as they passed by. We landed right at the bottom of the ocean, water rising into the gummy.  I watched as Max swam to the top, hissing at the rising water. "Calm down fat boy. We're going to be able to breathe in this world" Riku said, as he lifted the top of the gummy.  Max settled down as he ducked his head in the water, revealing the truth for himself.  Riku opened the top as we swam out.  A tingling feeling went through my legs and chest as I flipped up what looked like a mermaids tail.  It wasn't colorful like it should be.  It was a dark purple, with black swirls all over it. "Woah. Cool" Kim said as I looked at her. She had one too, but hers was a deep red, with black hearts on it.  She squealed in the happiness of her tail. "OH MY GOSH! I LOVE THIS!" she said, as she swirled around in circles, excited about her tail.  I smiled as I looked at my bestie as she sighed. "Oh, this is so cool," she said, as she looked at me. "What's wrong Mal?" she asked as I sighed. I looked at Kim as I sighed again. "Kim, where did my pants go?" I asked as Riku died of laughter. "Mal, you don't need them in Atlantis," he said as I sighed. "I know, but they just disappeared," I said, looking around for them.  Kim smacked her head as she spoke. "Only you bestie," she said, as she swam up to me and gave me a hug. Max swam up to me as he cuddled near me. "Mommy?" he asked as I looked at him.  He was a little catfish, but it showed more fat then he was.  "What is it, baby?" I asked as he sighed. "It's wet. It's all wet" he said, as I sighed. "It's ok baby. You're alive" I said, as Max looked at me. "Yeah, I am," he said, with a sigh.

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