Chapter 18: Searching The Jungle

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We followed Jane and Tarzan through the jungle. Sora was still carrying Max in his arms as he walked behind them. I was walking behind him with Kim and Riku. Misty was hanging over Kim's shoulder as she curled around Kim's neck, stretching herself and taking a deep nap. I walked next to Kim as I looked at her. She cracked a smile as she looked back at the boys. "Fat boy is very lazy," Kim said as his tail moved. "I heard that. My ears still work" Max hissed as he lifted up to look at Kim. I sighed as I looked at Max over Sora's shoulder. "Yeah, your legs still work too, lazy boy," I said, as Max sat up and looked over Sora's shoulder. "Mommy. Is it lunch time yet?" he meowed as Riku looked at him. "Didn't you puke your lunch up when we got here?" he asked, as Max looked at him. "That wasn't since Agraba because it was too hot. I have long fur, so I don't do good in the heat" he said, as Kim chuckled. "Like mother, like son," she said, as I looked at her. She turned to me as she spoke. "You can't say anything bestie," she said, as I stopped to look at her. I huffed as we continued walking. We looked to the left of us as Tarzan swung onto the vines above us. He went faster than we did on foot. I sighed as I looked forward. "It's incredible that Tarzan can swing quicker than," I said, as I felt my phone vibrate. I stopped as I pulled out my phone and unlocked it. "Continue Mal," Riku said, as he walked with his hands behind his head. I looked at my phone as I unlocked it. The phone showed an incoming call screen. "Hang on guys," I said, as I pressed the answer button. "Hello?" I asked as Minnie spoke. "User?" she asked as I looked up. "Yes, this is her," I said, as Minnie spoke. "Is the King with you?" she asked as I looked around. The group was looking at me with a mix of confusion and shock. "Um. No, your majesty. He's not. Is everything ok?" I asked as Minnie sighed. "No. He hasn't been home in a while. So I guess he's just busy. Is Donald and Goofy with you at least?" she asked as I sighed. "They haven't been with us since we left the Coliseum," I said, as she sighed. "Alright. Sorry for bugging your adventure" she said, as I shook my head. "No, you guys call as much as you want," I said, as she sighed. "Thank you, user. Have fun" she said as she hung up.

I pulled my phone away as I put it in my pocket. "Who was that?" Kim asked as I looked at her. "It was the queen. She was looking for the king and was wondering if we saw him" I said, as I thought about the situation myself. "I didn't know you could make calls on it," Riku said as Sora turned to him. "Duh Riku, it's a phone. Of course, you can call on it" Sora said, as to mock Riku. Riku looked at Max as he spoke. "Still have to puke Max?" he asked as Max sighed. "No. Why?" he asked as Riku sighed. He turned to Sora as he spoke. "I was going to have you puke on Sora for me," he said, as I chuckled. Sora turned to Riku as he spoke. "Riku, you mean" he whined as I turned my head. "Maybe teaching Max to puke on command is a good idea," I said, as Max looked at me. "Mommy. Carry me" he said, as I picked Max up. "Woah Fatboy, have you lost a little weight since we got here?" I asked as he sighed. "Yeah, you're making me walk too much," he said as he nuzzled his head in my chest. I sighed as I spoke. "It's good for you though," I said, as I started to pet him. Sora looked at us as he spoke. "You're not going to do that thing when you start baby talking him, are you?" he asked as I looked at Sora. I started to rub Max's side as I spoke. "Who's a good fat boy?" I said in a baby talk voice. "Me mommy" Max squeaked in excitement as we both looked at Sora. "Really Mal? Really?" Sora asked as I sighed. "Don't mention it next time," I said, as Kim started to laugh.

Kim walked up to Sora as she spoke. "Who's a good key blade wielder?" she baby talked. Sora swatted her hand away as he spoke. "Stop Kim. It's annoying" he said, as I smiled. "So next time you sing baby shark, I'll start baby talking you," I said, as Sora looked at me funny. "You wouldn't dare," he gasped as I looked at him. "Try me," I said as Kim sighed. She started to look around as she spoke. "I should've had popcorn," she said, as she sat on a rock. We almost ended up in a fight when Tarzan leaped up ahead. "Come...Gorilla's" he said, as he started to walk in the jungle. Kim got up off the rock as we started to walk into the jungle after Tarzan. I looked around in awe, nature surrounded us, as I studied the way the sun peeked through the vines. I looked at Kim, then to Sora and Riku as Riku sighed. "Let's go see the gorilla's," he said, as we started to walk towards the direction that Tarzan came. I sighed as I looked down at Max, seeing him starting to walk next to me. "Got sick of Sora carrying you?" I asked as Max sighed. "Yeah, I did," he said in a shy tone. I cracked a smile as I spoke. "It'll be good for you to walk, "I said, as we continued to walk into the jungle. I kept having this weird feeling like Clayton was going to kidnap me. But that could be because I've been kidnapped by a lot of villains lately. I think I was starting to expect it now.

I huffed as I lowered my head, thinking of it. I pulled out my phone as I unlocked it, noticing the apps. "If he attacks, I'll be ready for him," I said, as Kim looked at me. "What are you talking about?" she asked as I sighed. "Clayton. If he comes after me, I'll be ready to fight with nothing stopping me" I said, as Kim sighed. "Well, you got time. Clayton isn't around right now. You just need to chill and stop worrying about the villains" she said, as we walked deeper into the jungle.  We weaved through the thick vines, as we trudged deeper into the jungle. "Welcome user,"  my phone said when I unlocked it and pressed the blade app. I started to cut through them, as I helped everyone walk through. Riku wielded his Keyblade as he spoke. "Good idea, Mal. That's a perfect way to get through the jungle" he said, as he started to cut them with me.  I looked over as I saw Kim wielding her keyblade, while Sora was cutting vines down and holding Max.  Max was asleep in his arms, his fat belly hanging out to show everyone. Sora bumped Max as the fat main coon woke up. "What?" Max asked as Sora looked at him. "Can you either help us or find somewhere else to go? I'm trying to cut these vines down" he said, as Max yawned then started to swat the vines while continuing to lay on Sora's arms.  I watched as Sora was starting to slow down, but that could be because of the cat.

Sora stopped as he spoke. "Wait, I got an idea," he said, as he looked down at Max.  Max looked up at Sora as he yawned. "What's that Sora?" he asked as Sora held Max out in front of him. Max's back was facing Sora, as his hind paws and tail hung towards the ground. "SCRATCH FAT BOY! SCRATCH LIKE THE WIND!" Sora yelled as Max started to scratch the branches out of their way. They went by Kim and Riku, as they continue to cut human size walkways in the vines.  Riku stopped as he looked at me, a confused look planted on his face.  Kim watched with a chuckle as she spoke. "Sora, what in the right mind gave you the idea to do that?" Kim asked as I looked at him. Sora turned around as he spoke. "It's easier, plus it's fun," he said, as he grew shocked. "What's wrong Mal?" he asked, as I just watched him. "MY BABY!" I yelled as I chased Sora.  Max jumped out of Sora's grasp as he clung to my shoulder. I winced in pain from his claws as I fell down in the dirt.  Max started to lick my nose as he spoke. "It's ok Mommy. That was fun and I'm still being lazy. AGAIN SORA!" Max meowed happily as Sora picked him back up and they continued to do what they started.  I looked at Kim as I got even more confused. "What just happened?" I asked as Kim shrugged.  "I dunno, but Fatboy will scratch Sora when he's done with it," she said, with a sigh.  I nodded as I spoke. "Knowing Fatboy, he will."

We kept walking as the scratching sound came from in front of us. Sora was too far to see, but we could still hear them scratching away at the vines. We heard the sound stops as Sora yelled. "OUCH, THAT WAS MY ARM!" he yelled through the vine-free tunnel.  "WELL, DON'T HOLD ME LIKE THAT! Hold me like you did before" Max replied back. I weaved through the hole with Kim and Riku behind me. I walked up as Sora was positioning his hands around Max's armpits as he held him out before.  I nodded at Kim as I started to sneak behind Sora quietly. "ENGINES READY!"  Sora yelled as I whispered in his ear. "Let the darkness consume your heart," I said, as Sora jumped up in the air, releasing a girly scream. He almost dropped Max in the process. I burst out laughing as Kim and Riku did the same. Riku and Kim fell on the ground laughing harder than ever. I leaned up against a wall as I died of laughter.  I took a deep breath as I looked at the vines, seeing them a darker green. "What the" I said, as the vines started to weave around my body. I went to yell as they wrapped around my face, making like a little net that tightened enough to make me silent. At this point, I was completely wrapped around in the vines, as darkness consumed them.

"MAL!" Riku yelled as he wielded his keyblade and ran towards me.  He went to cut the vines, but as he did, they replaced with darkness, then added more to it.  I muffled a scream as more vines wrapped around my entire body, cocooning me within the jungle. I heard a monkey's screech as the swish of a vine swung down. "Tarzan.. save friend,"  he said, as he clawed at the vines. "TARZAN NO!" Riku yelled as I heard a whip and Tarzan crashed into the trees. I tried to scream again, as the vines started to wrap more around me. "The jungle is like eating her. Is this normal?" I heard Kim yell, as the vines continued.  I heard the group huff as Riku yelled. "NO KEEP CUTTING!" he said, as they continued. I struggled to free a hand as I almost wielded the phone.  Before I could, the vines wrapped around me tighter, making me unable to move. After the tenth batch of vines, I was completely covered, except for my eyes.  I was like in a big blanket of vines.  I was then instantly pulled back deep into the jungle more, as the vines pulled me into a cave.  I was slammed against a stone slab, which was in the middle of a lit up cave.  Darkness wrapped around the entrance, blocking it from the group.   I struggle to look as I heard a voice speak. "Well, that was easier than I thought," it said as I turned my head, seeing a dark figure that sat in the corner.  Before I made out the figure, I fell asleep not knowing what was going to happen next.

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