Aftermath, and the meeting off gods

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[sorry it took me a while, writers block for this story and school hit  me like a flaming semi-truck]

Blake: Hey Angron.

Y/n: Yes?

Blake: Just wanted to say good match. You really were tough to fight you know that right?

Y/n: I know, after all if I can beat all my sisters in hand to hand combat i'm pretty damn good.

Weiss: Speaking of the fight, what was that? It seems like you became a demon of pure anger.

Y/n: Because i basically did. My "semblance" works like this these wires in the back of my skull start up a neural interface where it sends me into perpetual anger when activated, then my "semblance" comes into play. The angrier I become the stronger and bigger I get and my maddest state is the demon form.

Blake: How did those wires get there?

Y/n: Adoptive family. Not the one i'm with now, but before them I was with a shitty family who abused me constantly without reason nor remorse for their actions. Now when I see them again I will make sure not medic no doctor no power can stop them from being killed by my hands and then and only once they go through the same pain these Nails put me through will I give them a agonizing death by my hands.

Unknown to him however Ruby was watching and listening. Then she connected some things. The wires, the adoptive family, then finally the looks she connected the dots and she has a very strong theory that she is going to tell Yang about.

Ruby: Yang! Yang!

Yang: What is it Ruby?

Ruby: That Angron guy that beat us up might be y/n!

Yang: What!?!?! Rubes that's not something to joke about you know that!

Ruby: But he might! The wires, his adoptive family, how he looks like Y/n. Yang it makes sense if he is Y/n.

Yang: We can talk about this later, preferably with him in the same room as us.


Khorne and Y/n were fighting again. This time it was just a brawl/duel that the both of them agreed to. Tzeentch is in the background with a huge bad labeled PopKharn. Slaanesh was watching and doing things I can't describe or I get in trouble for it. Nurgle was cheering for both of them to win, hold up flags with their names on it. Then Tzeentch quickly jumped from her seat and ran to the other end of the room, then KABOOM! In charged three new people, one of them having a huge ass f off sword. Another looked to have clown makeup all over his/her face. Lastly the third figure had no weapon, but still had armor who Nurgle recognised who it was.

Nurgle: Hi Ishia!

Then the other people finally realized who they were. The one with f off sword was Khaine the "child" of Khorne, the clown was cegorach the laughing god and trickster on par with Tzeentch. The last one was Ishia the eldar goddess of fertility, healing, and motherhood.



Y/n: Like fucking mother like fucking daughter.

Cegorach: I know.

2 days later

When Y/n and the other gods came back to the room where Khorne and Khaine are they were still fighting. After two fucking days they haven't stopped.

Y/n: What the shit. It has been two days since y'all came here because Khaine dragged you both here. And they are still fucking fighting. Ishia, Nurgle do y'all have something that can make them pass out?

Ishia: Yes.

Nurgle: Yes my honey.

Y/n: Well could you use it?

Both: Oh....ok.

Tzeentch: Kind of a anti climatic way to end this huge fight.

Y/n: I know, I want them to stop before they fuck even more things up with their fight.

Cegorach: Like what? Or do I already know?

Y/n: your an annoying shit you know that(cegorach: Yep!) but if this fight spreads out of this room where it limits y'alls power it could destroy the entire school. Or the world really I don't know.

Slaanesh: Hey Y/n, I got something for you.

Y/n: If it's you showing me your breast no need you already shown me enough of that shit.

Slaanesh: Nope! It's Asuryan fried Phoenix.

Y/n and Isha/cegorach: Wot.

Slaanesh: Yep I saved some from my birth!

Before anyone could do anything Ruby came down the hallway and it took everything in Y/n's power to run up and crush her head with her hand. She came acting timid and shy, quite stereotyping the fact she was basically a wallflower or the opposite of a social butterfly.

Ruby: Oh hey Angron could you come here real fast me and my sister wanna talk to you for a second.

Y/n: Fine. (in mind: thank god, there was going to be another catfight and be stuck in the middle)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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Abused and neglected Angron male reader x rwby (Warhammer 40k x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now