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Oh look, another ficlet written when I was supposed to write something else! It's okay, Requiem's going to have a second chapter by Monday! I swear!

A ghost popped out from behind the corner. Well, it wasn't really a ghost, but it was supposed to look like one. Emphasis on supposed to

Still, it shocked Nate enough that he jumped back into Matt's arms with a yelp.

"It's fine, nothing's going to hurt you while I'm here," Matt cooed.

"I thought you were supposed to be the scared one," Nate said.

"Hey, just because I'm the less muscular, more effeminate man in this relationship doesn't mean that I'm necessarily the more scared one--Oh shit! Dammit! Dammit!"

Matt was interrupted by a loud banshee wailing. Instinctively, he clung to his boyfriend, grabbing the shoulders of Nate's shirt.

Nate giggled, "Aw, you're a little scaredy-Mat."

"N-not funny," Matt squeaked out, pointing to their left.

Nate turned around to see the silhouette of a woman with stringy hair looking at them in the doorway. He screamed, and curled into Matt. "I guess neither of us is the tough one."

The banshee moaned again. She began to amble towards them. The two men huddled closer to the wall.

"Well, I guess this is it. This is how we die. It was nice knowing you. I love you, Nathan."

"Baby, you do know this is a fake haunted house, right?"

"Are you sure? Because that looks more real than anything else here."

"I'm sure." Nate was not sure. Adrenalin coursed through his veins. She kept approaching.

"Okay, on the count of three, we're both going to run down this hallway," Nate pointed to his right, towards to exit.

Matt nodded.

"Okay... one, two, three, go!"

On cue, they both ran down the hall, holding hands and screaming the whole way.

Once outside, they gave out sighs of relief.

"Holy shit, that banshee was terrifying," Matt panted.

The unenthusiastic teenage girl working there frowned. "There weren't any banshees in there. Just ghosts and zombies."

Matt and Nate gave each other a wide-eyed look.

Oh, Valentine's Day is coming...

Pixel Hearts (A Series of NatePat Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now