Baby sitting.

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I was laying down in my bed just waiting for me and death to cross paths with me. But Nooo, a phone call had to come instead. I didn't even bother to look at the caller ID and answered anyway.


" Bubble, I need you to do a favor for me."

" I'm sorry, but who is this?"

" Dae Jun. Your favorite older brother."

" I'm sorry but last time I checked you were not my favorite."

" Okay, well can you at least do me a favor?"

" yeah sure, what is it?"

" Can you watch Soo Joon and Ji Sung?"

" Sure what time?"

" Now?"

" Sure, just bring them over. "

"Are you sure the boys will be okay with it?"

" They have to be."

"Okay, see you in about an hour."

" Bye."

After I got off the phone with my brother I sat up and put my phone to charge. I walked into the living room with three of the boys on the couches and two on the floor, I sat down on the couch next to hoseok.

" So, do any of you guys have anything to do?"

They all shook their heads no, I smiled.

" Well, my brother is bringing my nephews over so I can watch them for him."

" Really!?"

Taehyung asked out of excitement, he seemed more excited than I did.

" Yeah, they'll be here in about an hour my brother said."

Jungkook and yoongi walked into the living room.

" Jungkookie guess what!"

" What?"

" Y/n-ah's nephews are coming over!"

" Why?"

Yoongi asked, he came over and sat on my lap. Jungkookie immediately had a pout after.

"Yah hyung! Get off my noona!"

He came over and pushed yoongi off my lap and sat in my lap and wrapped his arms around me.

There was a knock on the door and we all knew who it was, so I threw jungkookie off of my lap and ran to the door jumping over namjoon in the process.

I opened the door to Dae holding both if the boys one in each of his arms.

" Hi auntie Ri!"

They both screamed at me as I took them from my older brothers arms. I was being attacked with kisses from the two little boys.

Dae left and I closed the door and put Soo joon and Ji sung down.

" Did you guys miss me? Cuz I missed you two cuties!"

I said giving them hugs and them giggling.

" You guys want to meet your hyungs?"

They both nodded their heads a 'yes' I took both of their little hands are hands in mine and walked them over to the boys.

" That's joonie, hobi, jiminie , yoongs,tae,Jin, and kookie."

They nodded their heads as I pointed to each of the seven boys.

Ji sung walked over to jungkookie and poked his face and looked at him suspiciously.

" Auntie is this the kookie that appa told us to watch?"

Soo joon nodded his head agreeing with his brother. Jungkookie looked scared.

" What do you mean your appa told you to watch him?"

" Yeah, he said make sure he doesn't do anything funny."

Soo joon added, all of the boys laughed and jungkookie had turned red.

Ji sung went towards Taehyung, tae smiled giggling as he took the small child in to his lap and started to tickle him.

Jimin and Jin also joined in on playing with ji sung, Soo joon was hanging out with the rap line.

Hoseok, namjoon, and yoongi were teaching him rap. I saw kookie siting in the corner with a pout on his face, so I crawled towards him.

" What's wrong ?"

" Nothing,just tired."

" If you were tired you would have already went to bed. Are you jelly?"

" What no."

" Aw kookie."

I gave him kiss in the cheek as went back to play with the rest of the boys.

It was about 9:00 and all of the boys were pass out together. Jungkookie, tae and Soo joon were all asleep together. Hoseok,Jin and Jimin had a went to bed. Yoongi, namjoon and ji sung were asleep listening to music.

Dae had knocked on the door and I picked up each of the boys in one of my arms and handed them to Dae.

Before I had went to sleep I made sure that the boys were in their beds.

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