Fight pt.2

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I woke up in my bed. How I got there I dont remeber. I played and remembered bits of the previous night. I felt horrible, I started crying for no reason. I have many problems, if army knew how actually was off camera none of them would want to stan a crybaby. Or just me in general I have many problems.

The previous night, Boys POV :

They were all worried about their baby girls safety. She had no phone no protection and was walking by herself as an idol it's not very good choice to make.

" Jimin hyung are you okay?"

Jungkook asked his elder helping him off of the ground where he was pushed down to. Jimin accepted the hand extended to him.

" yeah I'm fine just confused a bit."

"What is there to be confused about?"

Namjoon asked Jimin, not seeing a reason for his confusion. All of the boys were silent.

"I'm confused because she acts all happy and doesn't talk about how she feels with any of us until she's already had a full on meltdown. Ari keeps everything bottled up, it eats at her until she can't take it then she let's it out. But not in the best way."

All of the boys nodded in agreement. They all started to pile into the living room to have a discussion. They a looked at each other not knowing what to say first. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something.

"Where do you think Noona whent?"

"Probably her studio, most likely she whent to the building to get her mind back in the right place."

Yoongi answered him, knowing y/n well especially on how she deals with her emotions. Jin stood up ready to leave he looked at the six younger males who all had their eyes on him.

"Are we not going to go get her?"

"No not yet hyung, I think we should let her stay there for a while longer so she could make sense of things."

Hoseok said, all the boys were worried for the second to youngest in their group. But also all knew that jimin was right about the situation.

The maknae line that was still present all whent into one room and wanted to have a talk of their own. All three of the boys sat in a circle.

"Okay, first thing is why did you push her buttons hyung?"

Taehyung asked Jimin making jimin look at him with a scowl. He was displeased with the question tossed at him. He sighed and look at the younger male.

"I didnt push any buttons, if it was any one that pushed somethingn it was her. Besides she just needs time to cool down and plus we just had a small argument."

"You call that small?"

Jungkook asked raising an eyebrow. Jimin laughed he cpuld even belive his own words yet alone he thought he could trick the two younger boys into beliving them.

"Your right we both messed up really bad. But we've also been best friends for longer, so we can get passed all of this. I know y/n, and I know myself. If anything I'm going to apologize first, we might fight and diss agree but I love her and I dont know what I'd be doing if she wasn't apart of this band or our maknae line."

Jimin spoke with sincerity, he really felt this way but just never said anything before tonight. Jungkook and Taehyung looked at the gingered haired boy in front of them. They all got up and walked out of the room back into the living room with the older members.

They sat down all together waiting for the older members to give them directions. They all looked at each other not speaking.

" I think we should call the front desk to see if she's there first of all, then we wait awhile to pick her up."

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