Chapter Eight

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In a fitful sleep, she heard him call for her. She did not answer. Over and over he beckoned her to please come back. Her slumber continually interrupted with fitful pleas. Every time she heard him, she'd say nothing. Dared not move. She wanted to, but she didn't know if she should. Sam clearly didn't want her there. And Colby's pleas for her to return assured her that he continued to be safe at the moment. But she was irrelevant. A thing. It seemed like in his mind she was the demon that filled the room. She tried to understand the circumstances. She wrestled with reasoning. She wrestled with the events from that night. Why didn't the Midnight Man attempt to take Colby? Surely he was more powerful than she? And where did he go when Sam barged in? She also wondered how Sam could see her fully awake. 

"It's my fault" Sam told Colby one morning. They were sitting in the office editing. "What's your fault?" "That she's here." He stated. "No bro. Didn't you listen to anything I had to say? This goes WAY beyond this lifetime." Colby explained. "But Midnight Man. He wouldn't be after you and she wouldn't, ya know...Had to come and rescue you." Sam said. "Man, we find eachother regardless. Don't worry about it" Colby's voice drifted off. Sam knew his friend was hurting. She hadn't returned. He was once again love lorn and posting his emo broken heart bullshit. But he felt for his friend. "Bro," he started. "Just don't I don't want to think about her right now." Colby stated. 

That night, he could hear Colby faintly in the other room. Sometimes his pleas were audible enough to make out. Sometimes he thought he heard sobs. Colby's heart was breaking. When he could no longer hear his friends cries for her to return, Sam turned out the light and lay on his bed. As he closed his eyes, he began to relax his muscles in groups. From feet to neck he became more and more relaxed. Feeling the softness of the bed beneath him. The pillow under his head. He let one breath go, pushing to empty his lungs. With that last bit of air from his lungs, "Come here" slipped from his lips. 

She cried. Her heart was breaking. But he was safe because she had heard him all night. As she settled into twilight sleep, she heard one last plea. It was Sam. "Come here" is all he said. Surely that was meant for her. But why was Sam calling to her? She had no connection to Sam that she was aware of. Suddenly, thoughts raced through her mind. Was Colby hurt? What was going on? She hesitated. Silence filled the night. Not a sound. "Come here..please" and she went.

She stepped out from the shadows. Sam was laying on his bed. By his breathing she could tell he was still awake. She started to push back. There was nothing she was willing to discuss with him right now. "Stay" he breathed. He turned over one hand under his head, propping up. She slid out of the cover of the darkness in the room. Still as beautiful, glowing bright as ever. He gazed upon her form. "I didn't think you'd listen." he started. "You haven't been listening to him." "Sam" she sighed. "I've heard every word. Every cry. I've felt every tear." "But you came when I called you" he continued "Funny how that works" he sarcastically chuckled. "Sam please." She begged somewhat confused. He sat up cross legged on the bed. "I'm not sorry" he said. "I don't think you should come to him again." Her mind's confusion now showed on her glowing furrowed brow. "But why?" she asked. "Because where there is you there is Midnight Man and that's my fault. But it cannot continue. He's my friend and it's MY job to protect him. He's everything I have." "He deserves to be happy Sam at least in his dreams." "I know what you are." Sam retorted. Now she was really confused. "I'm a person Sam. I live and breathe." "Currently." he said. She didn't like where this conversation was going. "You know nothing Samuel John. Nothing." "Isn't it for the best though? Given the circumstances?" He didn't know her. He couldn't possibly know her. She barely knew of them she thought in her head. "He's MINE Sam. He's always been mine." "And that's where you're wrong." he said flatly. "Midnight Man cannot have him. I won't allow it. I can't." she looked him in the eyes. Sam heaved a sigh. "I'm not sure that's the intention anymore." Dumbfounded she stared at him. She wondered what he was getting at. "Sam? Did you do something?" "I don't know anymore what I've done." He lay back down. "Please go." he whispered. "No. Sam. I have.." and with that she was thrust beyond. 

"What in the actual hell just happened!" she exclaimed as she shot awake. She sat for a moment. Sam had rebuked her. She had been dismissed and could not help but go. She was going back. She lay there, breathing deeply. Her reentry upon return was so powerful, cold wind shot through Sam as he lay dozing. "What!" he exclaimed. She appeared, full force, in all of her neon glory next to Sam. "You have ZERO authority over me Samuel. I don't know HOW you did that, but I'm telling you right now, if you try that again, you WILL regret it." Her two tone blue auras flexed around her. A slight blackish hue coming upon their strands. "I know more about this than you think. I've been doing it quite awhile." he retorted. "Why do you hate me so Sam? I've done nothing but love him. I'm not doing anything wrong." she yelled. "I don't know what I've done here. I'm protecting what I have and in a sense protecting YOU as well. Please don't make it more difficult than it already is." he yelled back. She huffed, yet they stayed there standing their own grounds. No one was going to win this. At that moment, they seemed to be cut from the same cloth. "You should probably calm down. You're changing colors." he said. She looked down at her form. The blackness had seeped into her form. A blackness. That was not normal at all. She sighed. Relaxing her stance. Her colors restored. Sam stood. He looked at her intently and reached for her. "Whoa buddy!" she yelped and stepped back. "I just want to see what you're like" he said. "Sam! I'm going to need you to back up. Because I don't know what touching me will do to you. Fucking creep!" she backed up further. "Come here" he said. She couldn't stop. She found herself within his grasp. He slid his arms haphazardly around her form. "You are so beautiful" he breathed. She knew he couldn't really feel her. What he felt was her energy; and her coldness. She was always cold if she touched someone awake. "Sam I think you should stop." Sam looked into her diamond eyes. "Just like you can't. Neither can I." he smiled. 

The door flew open. "You motherfucker!" came a loud angry voice. Sam backed away from her. In the doorway, backlit by the hall light stood Colby, fist balled. Fire in his eyes, Colby flew into the room and shoved Sam against the desk. Pens flying into the darkness. Sticky notes fluttering across the floor. Sam extended his arms, but Colby was stronger. He put his hands around Sam's neck. "I'll fucking kill you." Sam, grasping for breath, "I couldn't help it. Please brother. I" gasping. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Colby stop!" she screamed. No on listened. Next, they crashed to the floor. Colby's hands around Sam's neck, now red with pressure. She gathered her energy. Lightening flew in her eyes. Fire grew in her soul. The room glowed with electricity. "COLE ROBERT BROCK I SAID STOP IT" her voice had gained a thunderous volume. The room shook. Sam's painting fell off the wall. Both men stopped mid flight, poses in tact and stared at her. She glew colors unimaginable. Her auras black as the shadows she hid in. Colby released his grip. Sam chocking, retreated into a corner. Colby stood and faced her. "Baby. Your colors." She made her form bigger with all she had. "I will not be witness to this" she boomed. "Baby. Please. He was touching you." Colby stammered. She came down. "He can't help it. There's something. I don't know what it is. But he CANNOT help it." Sam, from the corner "Dude, it's like something comes over you." Sam said rubbing his neck, tears streaming down his face. 

The door slammed shut. The room was plunged into that common darkness except her glowing being in the middle of the room. "I didn't do that" her voice quivered. "I didn't do that."

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