Chapter Nine

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Midnight Man entered effortlessly into the space, looming large and pitch as the darkest night. Colby rushed to stand infront of her. A moment of deja vu washed over her and as she sighed, and shook her head. What on earth was his mortal form going to do in this situation? Midnight Man was clearly not in any hurry to take Colby, but she didn't feel it was necessarily in everyone's best interest to allow him to be that close. Having a little fun in the moment, she slide through him. It was only a moment, but waves of ice water shivered Colby to the bone. A brief kiss was laid upon his soul as a sensation of the highest euphoria surged through his veins. His body pulsed with electric current. He let out an orgasmic moan. She had crossed through him. It would be a moment he would never experience again. 

Sam could only cower in the corner while she stood toe to toe with the entity. The one he summoned so often in the night. "Hello sister." his growl came low and rumbling. "I'm not your sister fucker" she sneered. Head cocked back, the demon let out a resounding cackle. 

Sam called out from the corner. "Leave. All of you leave." No one made a move. Everyone in the room turned to look at him. Even the entities in the room had confusion showing on their faces. She wondered what was really going on here. If Midnight Man wanted Colby, it had more than enough time to do whatever with him. Why do they continue to stand around? She approached the demon. Colby tried to reach out for her hand, but his hand went right through hers. "Demon, state your business or be rebuked." she stated confidently. Again, the demon let out a thunderous cackle. "Sam, rebuke him." she shot a look at Sam. "Whoa what?" he stammered. "Tell him to go. Only you can do that" she said. "I-I can't" Sam stammered. Facing Sam now, and taking a risk turning her back on the demon she stared hard at Sam. "You called him. YOU get rid of him". As she turned back around, the demon had advanced forward to be directly in her path. They were so close that she nearly felt him enter her form. The smell of smoke filled her lungs. She looked up into the blackness of his face. "You're so beautiful. You've always been so beautiful" it whispered.

She couldn't help but stare into it's eyes. Irises dark as pitch, whites filled with broken blood vessels. Red and angry. She was suddenly unaware of anything happening around her. Her mind was being filled with images she didn't recognize. A time before a time. Fields of green. A cabin by a stream. She recognized herself. A crowd. A small, dirty faced boy holding her hand; looking up to her in admiration and trust. She felt the room closing in on her. A stake. Fire. People yelling. She felt the flames on her feet. She was vaguely aware of Colby yelling from somewhere in the room. Her form was growing grey. She was aware of so much, but so little. And she did not wish to leave his gaze. 

Colby was screaming. He screamed at Sam. Sam, with tear filled eyes now was paralyzed at the goings on in the room. "Save her Sam! Do something!" yelled Colby. Sam stood. "I don't know what to do. I can't send him away. I promised him a soul." "You fucking did what?" Colby's shock grew into rage. "He wanted you. This was a compromise. I can't lose you man." Sam cried. All the while, they could see her once glowing body growing dimmer and darker. "He's killing her!" Colby begged. Sam just stood. He was a useless mass. Colby jumped on Sam's bed. He lay down. Hands over ears pushing the sounds from his life. Tears streaming from those most perfect ocean blue eyes. And then he pushed. He summoned a force within him so great, the bed shook. Colby stood. Tall and looming in the room. Aura burned of lavender. Every feature more defined and finite than his mortal coil. His spirit had arisen with vengeance. Sam's eyes were wide in disbelief. His friend before him was even more perfect than ever. His jaw angled. His chest rippled. He was a god. The air in the room grew deathly cold and Sam shivered. 

Colby rushed towards her. 

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