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V and I had our first fight this morning right before he left for practice. Looking back I probably shouldn't have even bought it up and now he's mad.

Last night we went out for ice cream and while were out some girl came up trying to flirt with V while I was standing right there with him. I didn't saying at first but once we got home I couldn't hold in anymore and it just came out.

Honestly I said something I probably shouldn't have and so did he. V left this morning not saying a word to me but I knew we were going to have to address it soon.


I was sitting in the living room watching tv when I heard the door open I didn't turn around because I already it was V. He came and sat down right beside grabbing the remote control turning the tv off.

"We have to talk about this. What happened with you yesterday?" He asked as I turned to face him messing in my hair nervously

"You didn't see the way she was flirting with you as if I wasn't right beside you holding your hand?" I said to him waiting for a response

"It's not a big deal." V said as I just crossed my arms over my crest

"Oh and if some guy was to act the way she was toward me it wouldn't matter?" I asked starting to get annoyed.

"That's different. I get what you're saying but you can't just get mad like that." He said making me roll my eyes

"I'm going to bed if you're pretty much just going to sit here and defend her." I told him getting up going to our room and slamming the door behind me.

I laid down in bed for a few minutes with my face towards the wall until I heard the door open and the bed shift.

"hey... I'm sorry that made you feel uncomfortable. I want you to know I understand what you're saying and why you're mad. I'm never going to leave you Y/N and I sorry. Please forgive me." V said in my ear making me turn around to face him

"I just don't want to lose you." I told him rubbing the tears off my face

"And you won't lose me. I love you" He said giving me a hug

Updated February 17, 2019

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