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A couple of month I ended probably one of the worst relationships I had with a guy who could never care about me the way care about him.

I feel better mostly because I don't have to worry about him anymore but he turned all of our friends against me and now I have no one. Most days I just go to a coffee shop by myself and work on homework and not talk to anyone.

Today I actually I had a group with this guy in my class who I never talked to but he seem nice.


So far we have been talking about everything but our project and I'm  ok with it to be honest. V is literally the sweetest guy and I'm kind of starting get a crush on him. We talked for a little longer about random stuff before finally starting on our project.

After about 30 minutes we decided to call it a day. We both made our way out of the coffee shop starting to head our separate ways. I sat down in front of the bus stop waiting for it to come when felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see V standing behind me.

"Hey Y/N, I was wanting to know if you would want to go on a date sometime? Like to get to know you. If you want to." V asked me nervously

"Yeah, I'd love too." I told him blushing a little

"Really? I mean I'll text you." V said smiling at me before walking away as I sat down not being able to stop smiling.

Updated June 1, 2019

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