Atom Bomb

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Princess I woke up very tired went to shower then picked out my outfit

Princess then out products on my hair and let out my curls then I did my eyebrows and put lashes after that I got my pink bag and phone then just went downstairs and there was a note on the kitchen counter

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Princess then out products on my hair and let out my curls then I did my eyebrows and put lashes after that I got my pink bag and phone then just went downstairs and there was a note on the kitchen counter

Good morning my little Princess me and your dad love you a lot but we're off on our vacation we will call to check in and after the vacation we will both be home with you love you
- Mom and Dad

Princess I ripped up the paper and threw it in the garbage then I got Kenny's gift and got my keys to my black Mercedes and went inside then drove to Aunt Beth's

Minutes Later

Princess so then when I got there I opened the door and went in the backyard and sat down with Annie,Ruby and Beth

Annie well hello perfect little thing

Princess hey

Annie why do you always look better then me?

Princess Hahahah no

Annie yeah you do I miss being young

Beth what did you get Kenny?

Princess and Xbox since he always wanted one

Beth oh wow he's gonna be so happy thank you

Princess yeah of course then we went over and started to sing Happy Birthday

Annie make a wish

Kenny my wish is for Dad to love in back with us again

Beth so I looked over by the door and it was Rio so I went over up to him

Princess I saw while Beth went to talk to Rio and went inside then Rylee called me

Rylee: Heyyyy

Princess: hey Ry

Rylee: hey what you doing?

Princess: Kenny's Birthday Party how about you?

Rylee: fun and just home and with Jonathan.

Princess: ooo damn get some Hahahah.

Rylee: Hahahah well he is cute.

Princess: cute more like fine as hell.

Rylee: Hahahah yeah your right.

Princess: what are you guys planning on doing anyways?

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