Summer of the Shark

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Princess So I woke up noticed it was night ugh I slept so late last night then Aunt Annie texted me to get ready we're meeting up with Rio tonight so I said okay then I went and showered then picked out my outfit

Princess So I woke up noticed it was night ugh I slept so late last night then Aunt Annie texted me to get ready we're meeting up with Rio tonight so I said okay then I went and showered then picked out my outfit

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I didn't do my makeup so I just but my hair up in a messy bun then I took my bag and my keys went downstairs and outside into my White G Wagon then headed to the warehouse

Minutes Later

Princess so I parked and saw them

Annie you look so beautiful

Princess thanks you too

Annie thanks

Princess then we walked up to Rio

Rio Hey Baby Girl

Princess hi

Rio Y'all ready to be back in business?

Ruby What'd you have in mind?

Rio just need you to pick up a truck for me

Annie In Canada?

Rio No, right here. Parked in a garage off  I-75.

Beth what in it?

Rio You ain't gotta worry about that. Just get it, and we're good to go.

Princess just know it's nothing good in there

Rio I thought y'all would be more exited than this. But if you don't need to get back to work—

Ruby oh we do. We do.

Beth There's something we need to talk about.

Ruby Yeah, uh, none of us drive stick. I mean everything's automatic, so I just never learned. I don't know about you guys, but... you know what? It'll be fine.

It's not an 18-wheeler, so problem raised, problem solved.

Beth Problem not solved, though, because there's the other problem.

Annie Which is a much bigger problem.

Princess you guys decided not to tell me okay

Annie sorry

Rio Are you bitches tryin' to do this or not?

Princess Hahahah you better not be calling me a bitch

Rio of course not

Princess thought so

Ruby Hey! We got 99 problems, but this bitch ain't one, okay? So, we're in like Flynn. Where the keys at?

Princess so then they left while I stayed to talk to Rio

Rio what is it?

Princess am gonna drive one of the trucks

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