Chapter 1

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I yawn as I reach for my phone to off the alarm I put on last night before I went to sleep. I saw my mum come in my room and sit in my bed "heheh hi sleepyhead breakfast is ready downstairs. It's hot so the time you finish getting dress it should've cooled down by then. And I'll drop you off to the new school today since I'm off and to know where to walked to get to school" mum said then kiss my forehead and left the room closing the door behind her. I got off the bed and grabbed my towel and clothes I was going to wear to school today head for the shower. After I finished showering I put on my outfit I chose and went downstairs to the kitchen to find my mum eating her share of food that she made. I sat down on my seat and took a sip of OJ ( orange juice) that mum poured for me I went to touch my food but when I did it burn my hand "AAAHHhh!!! That's hot that hot" I said quoting a meme while blowing my hand. My mother laugh at me while I was blowing my hand "wow thanks for helping I appreciate it" I said sarcastically. My mother stop laughing and went to go get one ice cube for my burning hand i take the ice cube and let it set it was really cold but it melted fast in my hand. As my hand cooled off i stood up and went to the draw to get a knife and fork to eat it with not wanting to make the same mistake as last time. I went back to my seat and finish my breakfast after I finished I stood up fr9m my seat and went to washed my plate and cup and went back upstairs to get my phone and backpack I pack last night. I heard mum calling me downstairs saying she getting in the car so I hurried and grabbed my keys just in case and put on my shoes and left the house locking the door behind me and jump in the car. As my mum started the car I put on my earphones and plug them into my phone and started listening to my playlist. I waved goodbye to my mum as I exit the car going to the school I saw Her waved back and drove back home I back at the school to see a group of boys leaning on the school with girls flirting with them and some students that went past me to get in the school. I look at the time on my phone to see I have 10 minuets to spare "well time to find my locker while I can" I said to myself walking into the school. I saw the group of boys and girl look over my way with a not so kind glare so I fast walk into the school looking back to see if they are following me which they were not. I bump into a hard chest making me fall down on my butt "Oh My I'm sorry I didn't see where I was going sorry" I said looking up to see who I bump into. He pull out he's hand and offered it to me "no worries I wasn't looking where I was going to the names mark ( markiplier )" Mark said I accepted mark's hand and he pulled me back up on my feet. I look to see his face he had red and black hair and a bit of facial hair and dark chocolate eyes "thanks my name is Y/N" I said to mark letting go of his hand. "Are you new here I haven't seen you before" Mark ask me "yeah ummm.. can you help me find the office please" I said asking mark for help. Mark nodded his head and took me to the office we stop at a door that was labeled office on it I thanked Mark and knock on the door. I heard someone walking towards the door and open it I look up to see a guy in a button up shirt and dress pants and had a name tag that said principal on it "hi you must be the new student. My name is principle Thing" he said smiling at me "hi sir my name is Y/N I'm here to get my subjects sheet" I said. Principle Thing went to his desk and took a piece of paper off his desk and gave it to me "Here you go it was nice meeting you. And classes start in 4 minuets it should give you enough time to get ready and get to class" principle Thing said and waved goodbye to me. I wave goodbye as well and left. I look at my sheet and saw a number with the word locker next to it I look up to see Mark standing in front of me "woah you almost scared me Mark" I said giggling. Mark started to giggle along with me "hey do you know where my locker is? It's number 102" I said "yeah actually it's in between mine and my friend. Follow me" Mark said leading me to my locker. As soon as we got there I check what classes I have to see what books I need "what classes do you have Y/N" Mark said looking at his own subject sheet I look down at my classes and saw

Locker number: 102
Period 1: Math
period 2: English
Period 3: literacy
Period 4: Art
Period 5: Technology
Period 6: Science

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