A/N - Small Opinion and Thank You Note

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Hey Fam!

How are you all doing? 

First of all, let me start with thanking you guys. 

Thank you so much fam for the 700+ followers as on date! I'm pumped up because of it and so happy the fam is getting increased day by day. I hope I keep up the expectations you guys have on me by following me and reading my stories.

And also thanks again to all of you who read my story, take time to vote for it and comment on it. It seriously means a lot to me. For a person who is always on a second opinion regarding her works, your comments and appreciation gives the much needed energy for me to go forward. Also a very big sorry for the huge delays I make in the updates. My brain is a player I tell you.. -_-

Okiee now to the other part..

I need a small advice/opinion/suggestion from you guys regarding this story of 'It's All You..' (IAU).

As you guys have been noticing that I've been following a pattern with this story of putting up a part of their past while explaining the story of the present. I hope you're with me till now as we move the main part of my discussion here..

Keeping my own personal opinions regarding this past and present pattern aside, I want you guys to tell me...

Are you okay with this pattern I am following? Are you guys able to correlate the past instance with the present occurance? And more importantly, do you guys want me to continue with the same pattern henceforth till the end of this story? And also, do you want me to include any past instances of Khushi too in between?

Your opinion means the world to me guys.. So please drop in your view points in this regard and make it easy for me to further the story in a progressive way as per your liking.

I'll be waiting for your opinons fam! (-:

Best regards to everyone.. :D

Loads of Love,
- Lucky

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