Chapter 16 (Punishment part 2)

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Suggested you re read the last few chapters to Remember what's going on sorry I haven't updated in so long xxx A Little bit of sexual content at the start please skip to the ⚠️. If your underage or get triggered by that sort of stuff:

The thick sound of moans and whimpers fill the room, The Lightly pained cotton white walls camouflage the heart breaking noises made from the smallest Geordie. The pained cry bled from her voice like vinegar being poured into a fresh wound. Jade cried as Perrie Denied her 5th orgasm, Her body begging for release as Perrie's pale hand tightly clutched the vibrator, resting it on the brunettes leg as she whines unhappily. Perrie waits a few seconds before turning the Vibrator back on for the final time hoping that this gets through to jade and wishing she never had to do this in the first place. Jade pleads for release as Perrie places the vibrator back onto Jade's clit again. Her body shakes in fear and pure lust.

Her toes curl within seconds, A massive wave of pleasure fights its way through the older Geordie, Much to her dismay her body shakes , getting closer and closer towards her mind blowing orgasm. Perrie stares at the clock watching as every second ticked by. Jades First orgasm took a full 4 minutes and a half where as she crushed throught her 6th in just under 50 seconds

"Please Mistress im so close" Jade Cried as her body begged for help

Perrie takes her eyes of the clock to stare at jade before forcefully shaking her head.

Jade whines loudly shaking her head, Her pussy clenched tightly

The second she was about to cum Perrie removed the vibrator turning it off and placing it on the their desk.

Perrie's P.o.v. ⚠️

Gently I placed the vibrator onto the cold wooden desk.

Before quickly turning back to jade who laid on her back , Tears rapidly falling down her Beautiful face. Wrists fight forcefully due to being restricted by the force of the steel handcuffs. Heavily contrasting her ravishing wet hair that laid lifelessly upon her pillow. Her crystal clear eyes evidently showing the sight of her slipping

"Baby calm down Mommy's here , its all over" I Whisper soothingly into her ear while removing the handcuffs from her wrists

As soon as the handcuffs are removed Jade cowardly jumps into my arms clinging to me for dear life

"Im so sorry" She repeats over and over again making my heart break

"Baby girl no need to apologies its forgiven and forgotten" I whisper gently tracing shapes into her bare back

Jade nods slowly wiping away her fallen tears


"Mommy? it hurts" Jade spoke softly Pointing to her ass , now in a much better mood
"I know baby but its part of your punishment babygirl" I spoke gently rubbing her bright red ass I roll over slightly grabbing my phone checking the time

9:30 AM

"Come on baby girl its time to put some clothes on while i make us something to eat then we can have a lazy day in bed and watching movies yeah ? Jess and Leigh can even come over" I said softly kissing her forehead softly

She nods tiredly puttingg her thumb into her mouth. I Shake my head playfully, placing a paci into the smaller geordie's mouth before grabbing a pair of shorts and tanktop placing them onto her bed side

"Get changed for me baby so we can eat then sleep" She nodded before grabbing the clothes

I ran downstairs quickly crafting together all the ingredients needed for blueberry pancakes mixing them in a large bowl before pouring some into the pan

After I'd finished the pancakes I poured some apple juice into a sippy cup and poured a glass of water for me before placing everything on the kitchen table, I ran upstairs to see jade sitting on the bed talking to her stuffed monkey

"Come on Mr monkey we gotta go get breakfast now" she spoke quietly tapping him on the noise softly , I stood in the door way smiling

"MOMMMYYYYY!" She screaming running toward me

"Hey no shouting little one inside voice please princess" she nodded snuggling her head into my neck

I gently picked the older Geordie up and walked downstairs before placing her in her highchair that had her sippy cup on the little tray

I sat down next to her and began to feed her and myself

Nobody's p.o.v

Jade kicked her legs happily against the chair while staring out at the clear blue sky that laid a head , not a single worry in her mind as Perrie slowly feed the girl her fav blueberry pancakes, her once tear stained cheeks are back to her normal pale skin.

Jade was in such deep thought she didn't realise Jesy and Leigh Anne walked in, that was until jesy lightly ticked her neck

"Jessssssyyyy" she whined laughing while jesy chuckled happily

"Someone's in a lot better mood let's go watch this movie marathon then"

917 words

Okay okay I get it it's been about 3 months possible 4 since I last updated I isn't even realise it's been that long , been busy with all my exams 🥳 and got a new girlfriend who I love very much so I've been spending a lot of time with her instead of writing also my laptop broke so I had to write this on my phone xxxx

Hope this chapter is okay sorry if it's not planing to also update my other book soon so look out for that xxx byeeeee

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