Chapter 2

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"Can I try something?"

"What is it?" We were off to a 'relaxed' training session after Sunday mass.

"I've been working with Lissa's magic." Oh god, I was so in for it!

"Her magic? Rose? How is that possible?"

"The darkness is its own form of magic- one the bonded can work with."

"Rose? How have you had time to work on that?"

"Well... I've barely slept the last four weeks. I know it's only a matter of time before it takes its toll- before I exploded." Especially with how much I had taken and accumulated.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"I kinda, sorta, maybe, sorta have been taking it since the attack, and rescue. She'd accumulated quite a lot. I found a way to take Adrian's as well." I was definitely in for a lecture.

"Adrian's as well? Rose, that's dangerous. Ridiculously dangerous." Yup. I was right- so in for it.

"Dimitri. This is my battle and I want to show you what is possible. Humour me."

"Ugh. Fine. Don't think this isn't worrying me now Rose." I showed him what I could do.

"As I said- my battle."

"One you fight for Liss, and Adrian" he wasn't happy about the Adrian part. Seriously? He was jealous?

"One you wish I'd informed you of earlier, right?"


"Dimitri..." I sighed. We hadn't headed into 'us' territory for weeks. Not since the cabin.

"Roza. Twelve weeks. You have twelve weeks until trials and I'll be damned if you don't come top of the class. I know they're planning something different for you, harder, more complex, longer. They're not letting me in on what, just that."

"So you're going to whip my butt into shape, then spoil me rotten when I excel?"

"If you excel."

"If?!" I couldn't believe it- he was doubting me, and his training.

"As I said; I don't know what's waiting for you."

"Are you doubting me Belikov? I saved your butt and you're doubting me!"

"Rose. I shouldn't really let you know this but" he decided to really piss me off.

"But what! But what Belikov?!"

"You have a spot on Elite once you graduate. One that doesn't leave much room for being a bodyguard. Your trial will make sure you graduate as Hunter Hathaway not Guardian Hathaway. If you think I'm being tough on you this is nothing compared to the level I've been directed to have you doing by two weeks before trials. Essentially you have ten weeks to be prepared, up to standard."

"Oh I'm sorry Dimitri. I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

"It's okay Rose. I know it was darkness."

"Dimitri... Is there something you aren't telling me?" I had a weird feeling.

"Rose" he took a deep breath before continuing "I'm bound to you. Like you are too Lissa. I can take your darkness, be pulled into your dreams and nightmares, and feel what you're feeling." Hang on. What! Six weeks and I had no clue he was my bond mate, had no clue I even had a bond mate. That meant he'd actually died for at least a minute. Could he read my thoughts? Purposely get into me head like I do with Lissa?

"Dimitri? Do you purposely go into my head?"

"No. I could if I tried but I try to block it out for your privacy. I probably will check in on you when you go on missions with Elite."

"Thanks for the warning" I mumbled. Karma's a bitch- now I knew how Lissa felt.

"Roza. Do you have any clue how much I'll worry when you're away? You'll be away most of the time."

"Dimitri" I really didn't know how to react.

"Roza" he took me in and kissed me. "I love you. I want the best for you, no matter how much I'll worry."

"I love you too Dimitri."

"Come on Rose. Here's the plan for today."

It was a killer.

"Rosemarie" my mother made an appearance.

"Rose. Mom. It's Rose" I always had to remind her.


"What do you want Mom?"

"Alberta wants to see you." With that I was off.

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