Chapter six

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It was the night after the rescue mission and I was dreaming of the night in the cabin, of the night we finally handed ourselves over, when suddenly the feeling changed, then the images. I went from blissful and peaceful to absolutely frantic.

Dimitri had just been bitten, and oh boy I was so pissed off I was driven to action. I was in such a haze of anger and pain, fury and heartbreak; I had to protect my lover, my soulmate. The Strigoi tossed my Dimitri away when he saw me coming; throwing the other half of my soul across the cavern like a rag-doll, his body slamming against the cavern wall at odd angles and falling to the ground. I killed every Strigoi in sight, not letting them anywhere near my reason for being. I ran to an unconscious Dimitri laying on the ground, his limbs going every which-way. I yelled for him to wake up and come back to me. I cradled his body praying he'd wake up.

Eventually he did. His eyes slowly fluttered open and we ran for the wards.

I woke up shaking and in a sweat, absolutely drenched, biting back the urge to scream. It was alright, I was back in my dorm and the love of my life was in his. No one could know of this, no one could know the love of my life was my mentor. I switched the light on and got out of bed, heading to the bathroom and having a relaxing shower. I then remade the bed, changing the pillow cases too. I went back to bed and I dreamed of the night in the cabin with Dimitri.

I suddenly sat bolt upright in my bed and looked around after switching on the lamp. I was in my own dorm, and completely confused over what had just happened. My dream had been interrupted, I had felt the terror and distress before the images came. The images of me, from Rose's point of view. No, no way. Oh shit! I was bound to my soulmate and lover. I'd just been sucked into her head. It meant I had died and she had resurrected me, bound me to her, made me shadow kissed too. Oh boy, this was going to make things interesting.

I couldn't tell her, it was tough enough in her as it was just thinking I was unconscious. She didn't need to know she had a bond mate. That I had, indeed, died. I swore two nights ago to protect her, she needed to be protected from the emotional turmoil knowing I had died would create. I loved her too much to let her go through that.

It was a hard concept to grasp, having died. It made life seem much more important, it was fundamental to live not just survive. Enjoy what we had. It was no wonder Rose hated my guilt talks, she had simply just been happy-go-lucky, reckless, young and naïve before the crash. Before she had died. Her experience with death had heightened her desire to embrace life, to live. It had also given her the insight on what a true guardian protected, it had forced her to be mentally mature beyond her years before her brain could handle it.

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