Chapter 14. "Allergic reaction"

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"what can i get you to drink?" Daniel asked

"hot chocolate"

"Dr.Pepper" Dan says

"okay are you ready to order?" Daniel asked

"can i have original short stack buttermilk pancakes comb"

"okay bacon or sausage?"Daniel asked


"okay how do you want your eggs?" Daniel asked

"over easy please?"

"okay and for you sir?" Daniel asked

"the classic with bacon no pickles" Danny says

"okay your order will be out soon?" Daniel says

"Nicole?" someone asked i look up


"yeah what happened?" he asked

"we dare Gar to fix the door he broke when Danny and I went to see what Laurence was yelling about the fame of the door fall on me braking my leg and making me fall asleep of 5 days"

"oh god i'm sorry for that to happen if you need anything you have my number" he says

"how long are you going to be working today?"

"Intel 6" he says

"bye Nicole nice to see you" he says

"bye it was nice to see you too" he leaves

"here is your food" Daniel says giving us are food and left

"Danny are you okay? wait did you eat a pickle?" i
ask take his burger

*call 911*

"hello?" the woman asked

"my boyfriend is having an Allergic reaction"

"okay where are you?" she asked

"we are at IHOP" "which IHOP where is the address?" girl asked

"is Danny okay Nicole?" Lucas asked

"no Lucas what is the address for here??"

"2222 heart center drive Los Angeles CA" he says

"okay thanks i hear that an Ambulance will be there soon as they can" she says

"okay thanks"

"okay bye call back if something happens" she says

"okay thanks have a nice too bye"

"you too" she says as she hangs up

"what happen??" Lucas asked

"he ate some pickles Danny look at me please keep your eyes open the Ambulance is on the way"

he looks at me

" Lucas is there chairs outside??"

"yes why?" he says

"help me get Danny outside please" he picks up Danny and we go outside as fast we can and sit him on the chairs

*mins later he close his eyes as we hear sirens*

"Danny no please open your eyes Danny????"

"miss please back away so we can get him in the Ambulance" the says paramedic

"okay" i say backing up

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