Chater 18. "What?"

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handing me the paper "I was right"

"okay i will leave you be you are free to go" the doctor said leaving as i hand dad the paper

"wait he did that also??" dad asked

"yeah he did....."
"i will be back okay" he says madly leaving

"hello you ready to leave" the doctor asked walking in

"yeah i am"

"okay let me help you" she says helping me get up and dressed and out of the room to the front deck

"hello?" the girl asked

"ready to leave?"

"yeah Nicole Love right?" she asked

"yeah that's me"

"here you are'" she says grabbing me a pen to write with

" do you know anything about Daniel Adams?"

"yeah he's wake" she says

"what?? room is he in??????"

" room 123456" she says

"thanks" when i walk away to him room (here it is) i open the door

"Nicole??" he says as i walk

"Danny you are awake??"

"yes i am" he says laugh

"You missed a lot"

"what happen?" he asked worried

"Well my dad came to get me we got taco ball when he got a call from the ihop we were at so I called your dad when we got there to come I tell them what happen your dad got me that guy would not stop looking at me so I told them to stop we started walking to your dad he kicked my crutches I ended up falling then your dad started yelling at him. Well my dad helped me up then sirens came in the man grab me don't let me go I was fight to get away ended up falling and he landed on me"

"wait why did you scream?" Dan asked

"i hit the ground with my broken leg and that guy landed on it"

"god Babe are you okay?" Asked


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