Chapter 17. "Mad dads"

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"because i already called him by the way Mr. Adams is coming"

"you mean I'm here already" Travis called

"hey Travis" dad asked

"hey Michael and Nicole are you okay?" he asked

"yeah i'm fine"

"Travis?" the man said

"it's Mr.Adams to you always why am i here  and why is my son's car here and where is he???" he asked

"your here so you can hear why  Danny's car is here he is in the hospital-"

"why the hell is my son is the hospital??!!' he asked

"if you don't cut me off i will tell you"

"okay sorry" he says

"will you stop looking at me??" he just keeps looking

"he's in there because one of his workers add pickles to his food even though he said no pickles"

"is he okay???" he said

"I do not know he fall asleep 2 mins before the Ambulance came and i have not got a call yet about him" 

"why did  you leave?"

"Because  i was  worrying to much being in there i started have a panic attack"

"oh okay i get it,.  my son might died because of one of your workers??!!!" Travis says

"yeah so" the man says looking at me

  "oh my god WILL you stop looking at me like that!?!?"  he just walk to  Travis kicking my catches so i fall 

"what the hell??" when my dad looks at me

"oh god are you okay Nicole?" he asked helping me up
"yeah i'm okay dad"

"okay out of my face dude also what the hell is wrong with you kicking a girl crutches??"  Travis asked

"so i can to a lot of wrong thing to her" the man says coming to me and grabbing me

"let me the hell go!!" when  he hear sirens

"let her go" the officer said

"no" the mans says grabbing my arms harder making me fall and him land on me

"AHHHH!!!!!!" when my dad with the help of Travis get him off me

"Nicole are you okay??" they ask

"I don't know my leg hit the ground when he land on it that's why i yelled"

they don't say anything my dad just picks me up and Travis the crutches and i  think my phone we get to the car my dad puts me in the front and Travis puts the crutches in the back and hands  me my phone "

"thanks Travis"

"your welcome on i'm going to have one of my works get Danny car where are his keys?" he asked

"i have them here" i give  him the keys 

"bye Travis"

"bye guys" he says walking away  when i my dad starts to drive away

"why would you say that to me Nicole you lied about loving me why i Hate you" Danny says

"wait when did i say that?"

"today Nicole when you come to see me  how could you forgot" he says

"Danny what did i says?"

"you said "Daniel i lied to you I've never loved me and never will" he stops "wait that was not you you don't call me Daniel you ever have who was that person when?" He says

"i do not know Danny i never call you Daniel unless i'm bad at you about something"

"oh yeah you don't call me that" he says


"i'm so sorry  Nicole i should have though about what that person said" he says

"it's okay Danny"

"Nicole wake up!?" dad says

"oh what" i look around

"where am i?"

"you are in the hospital they said you lose your baby"  dad said


"hello i see your woke  how are you?" the doctor said

"i lose a baby?"

"yeah you  did i'm sorry" she says

"can you see who is the father i know who i just want to make sure"

"yeah sure i will be  back" She says leaving

"dad i haven't told you something...."

"what is it" he asked

  "tom abused me broke my arm and hit me with a beer bottle this as started when mom died he also did something else...."

"why didn't you tell me??" he asked

"i was scared"

"hello i'm back her you are" she says

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