Letter 6: Confessions

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Dear Stranger,

I know this should probably be my last letter, but for some reason I can't make it my last. I guess it's because I have something to tell you. We'll never meet, so this shouldn't be this hard to say. But it is. I have some confessions. I just hope you won't think of me differently. I need to tell you everything, including this.

Okay, here I go. I see you around all of the time. You just fascinate me. We actually live right by each other in the trailer park. I doubt that you've seen me before. I'm your age. I have dirty blonde hair and green eyes. I'm small, so I look like a twelve year old. I have another confession: I like you. I know we don't know each other, but there's just something about you. I love your confidence, how you always wear colorful clothes and how serious you get when you draw and paint.

I don't even know your name and I'm crushing on you. It's silly. Just forget about it. It's not like anything will happen. I'm going to die tomorrow and you're way out of my league. You've probably never seen me before, anyway. Like I said, just forget about it.

And in case you didn't figure it out yet, you were the distraction. In my previous letter about my adolescence, you were what distracted me from my depression and made me feel again. You were my fascination.

My name is Sang Sorenson, by the way.

These are my last confessions. The next and final letter will be delivered tomorrow morning.

Sang Sorenson

I'm ready for tomorrow. I have all of my supplies. But there's this feeling very deep inside of me that's scared. Don't get me wrong, I want to die. I just don't know where the afterlife will take me. I will miss my stranger too. I feel so guilty for ruining him. He looks so miserable. He won't be anymore when I'm gone. He won't be stressed out or worried when he won't get anymore letters.

Then why am I having second thoughts? I'll finally be able to escape this world. I won't have to deal with this emptiness inside of me. I hate myself and my life. It will all be gone tomorrow. I'll be at peace. Yes, peace. I need peace. I'm going to die tomorrow and there's nothing stopping me.


Hi peoples! 

Did you figure out who she's writing the letters to? It's pretty obvious ...

She did mention that his life wasn't great either. That there was yelling at his home and he would have bruises on him (from Pam's boyfriend). I know that could be Nathan too, but in this story they are really poor. Even though the father is an engineer, he spends most of the money he makes on beer and eventually the medication and stuff for the stepmother for her cancer.

Bonne journée!!!🥰😊🇫🇷

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