Chapter 3~A Daring Rescue

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A/N: So I have had writer's block and didn't really know how to go about starting this next chapter up. Also I was busy watching the BBC series Robin Hood (with Richard Armitage in it) and Strike Back (also with Richard in it). So anyway I have finally found a good place to start this chapter off so here we go!
This chapter takes place when the dwarves are going through the mountains and then they get taken into Goblin Town, and ends where they have been carried by the eagles to a safe place and the Lonely Mountain can be seen in the distance. BTW I've probably flunked a few of the lines in the film and probs got 'em wrong so don't complain I just can't be bothered to rectify it xD

Thorin's POV:

When we were walking through the mountains, when we got past the rock giants Bilbo was hanging from a ledge. That stupid hobbit! What does he think he's doing? I thought. No one could seem to lift him up. I didn't want him to fall, I couldn't live without my burglar who had stolen my heart. So I had to risk my life to save his. I hung myself off the ledge and lifted him back up to safety. Then my heart dropped as I lost my footing and slipped. My pulse was racing and my heart felt as though it would burst out my chest. Then I was pulled back up. I hoped no one would question my reasons behind saving Bilbo. Some one said, "I thought we'd lost our burglar." I was too caught up in thought to know who said it, but I responded by saying how he had always been lost ever since he'd left the Shire.

We had found a cave and Dwalin had searched to the back-to our surprise, it was unoccupied. We decided to sleep there for the night, I trusted Bofur to be our look out man for most of the night. I would take over if/when he wanted to sleep. I was woken up by Bilbo talking to Bofur. He was leaving, he said that we didn't belong anywhere. That hit me hard-it hurt me. My burglar saying such cruel words about our company. I was going to get up and yell and curse at him, but I decided against it. Suddenly the ground beneath us disappeared and the next thing I knew I was falling. We all landed in a heap-in Goblin Town.

The Goblin King had said that someone would pay a pretty price for my head-the Pale Orc, Azog. I made it clear how I had slain him in battle, knowing full well the Goblin King may have been right about him living. "Do think his defiling days are over?" He asked me- obviously a rhetorical question. I was already worrying about where Bilbo was, he had been missing ever since we had been taken by the goblins. Then it occurred to me-he hated me and he had seen his chance to go home and he had taken it. I was hurt to say the least. Still all he had thought about was his armchair and his books, he would do anything to get back home. I don't know why I was so surprised at first. I would miss my burglar, but i would never be able to forgive him...

Bilbo's POV:

I was so lucky to escape practically unharmed, I had cut my fingers they stung like crazy. They were throbbing as well, but I managed to get through the pain-I also managed to fit through a small gap and escape from Gollum. I carried with me a ring of invisibility. At least that was what I thought it was. I had to find Thorin and the company! I saw them run through the tunnels, I couldn't speak because Gollum would know where I was. So when they had left I spared Gollum's life, made a daring escape and ran after them. I found them all crowed around and Dwalin was cursing me and Thorin was telling them that I had gone back home to the Shire. I was hidden behind a tree, when Thorin said "our burglar is long gone." I was hurt by his words, so I took the ring off and came out from behind the tree and I said, "no, no he isn't." To make sure he knew I had heard him. They all asked how I made it past the goblins unseen. I told them it didn't matter,
"It matters!" Thorin argued, "I want to know, why did you come back?"
I told him the reason I came back was because they didn't have a home; it was stolen from them, and I want to help them reclaim it. Thorin looked genuinely touched.

Thorin's POV:

Bilbo is the sweetest creature alive. He had come back to help us take back Erebor. It warmed my heart. I didn't know what to say to him. My love for him had returned and perhaps I now loved him more-my little burglar. But I had no chance to talk, night was drawing near, and a pack of Wargs were on their way down to slaughter us. "Out of the frying pan." I began.
"And into the fire." Gandalf concluded.
Nothing could have prepared me for what was coming next. Azog was still alive, and still hungry for my blood...

Azog's Warg bit into my body, the pain was excruciating. I yelled in agony. I was then thrown onto a nearby rock. What was I thinking? Taking on Azog with just Orcrist and a broken oak branch for a shield? I am not as young and agile as I used to be. I will die here at the hand of my sworn enemy. I thought. I was ashamed that I had thought I could take on an enemy this old with the weapons I had. Azog had grown in power and it was all too much. To be fair though, he was riding a Warg and I was only on foot. Besides it was the Warg that did most of the work anyway. Azog only hit me with his accursed mace. The next thing I knew an Orc was coming to get my head. Then Bilbo tackled him and he fell to the ground and to my surprise, Bilbo killed the scum. He then stood in front of me to protect me from Azog. Then I blacked out. All I knew was he had made a daring rescue.

Bilbo's POV:

I don't know what came over me, I just leapt at the Orc about to behead Thorin. Then I stood in front of him to protect him. I really hoped he had seen me do it. The adrenaline had kicked in and I was daring Azog to come closer. The other members of the company had come to help me out, then the eagles took care of the rest...

Thorin's POV:

I woke up to see Gandalf chanting something quietly. I ached all over but I couldn't stop thinking about my hobbit. "The halfling?" I asked anxiously. Gandalf told me he was just fine, but I didn't really care for what he was saying. A few members of the company helped me to my feet, I shook them off when I had stumbled to my feet. I stared at my hobbit, he looked terrified. I began to walk towards him, "what did you think you were doing? You could have got yourself killed. Did I not say you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wilderness. That you had no place amongst us?" The hobbit looked down in shame. I smiled, "I have never been more wrong." I pulled him into a bone breaking hug, "in all my life." I didn't want to let go of him, he had saved my life. I had the greatest respect for my brave burglar. We pulled away and began to talk, but after a while, Bilbo's eyes were fixed on something in the distance, "is that what I think it is?" He asked as we all stood there in awe. It was the Lonely Mountain, "Erebor." I smiled. A bird flew over our heads and Gandalf confirmed it was a thrush. I smiled as I watched it fly toward the mountain, "then we will take it as a sign." I looked at Bilbo, "a good omen."
"I do believe the worst is over." Bilbo said softly. If only he knew the horrors that awaited us at the mountain, he would have taken back his words in an instant. Still it gave us hope. Hope that we could reclaim our homeland. I hoped that me and Bilbo would bond. I hoped that I could be honest with him and express my feelings for him. I hoped that I would never feel hatred or lack of respect for my hobbit. I hoped...

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