Loosing You

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A/N: HOLYYYY JESUS I HAVE BEEN AWAY FOR FAR TOO LONG!! Aha. So while I was away (I was just sat on my arse being a lazy so and so also I had a chest infection and conjunctivitis which is basically an eye infection do I had puss coming out of my eyes-nice, NOT) I got a shit ton of reads and a shit ton of votes and can I just say. Thank you... THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOO MUCH!! I almost cried I was so overwhelmed with all of it. So I got a new tablet for my birthday, the first app I downloaded was wattpad, didn't use the app for eleven days, I check my emails and wattpad and I almost had a heart attack like what! I NEVER in a million years expected to get this many reads and votes. OMG like thank you so much. Anyways please keep voting, please keep commenting, I LOVE reading your comments so much and please read this story cos without you guys supporting me, this story would only be like three chapters long so there. OK enough rambling please enjoy the next part, and I am SO sorry about the MASSIVE delay xxx pls don't hate meh xxx
HAPPY MONDAY GUYS!! You get an update three weeks late on a Monday!! So this fucking part deleted itself twice so i had to rewrite it each time (oh the things i fucking do-luckily I have a fucking brilliant memory, so most of it is basically the same) so I basically just been sobbing because wattpad died and I was almost throwing every electronic device own at the wall, literally all of them. So this took me all Fucking night to do, for the last three nights I have been getting to sleep at 7:45 in the MORNING!! So I am exhausted so I hope you like it!!

Thorin's POV:

"Oh Thorin. Thorin. Thorin? Thorin!" My burglar's voice softly echoed through my ears, it started off very softly and quietly and then it escalated to a questioning tone, then he was yelling at me. Just like in the dream...
I wandered through a strange forest, the trees were unusual. The trunks were a purply brown colour and their leaves were abnormally large and were an off-white colour. It looked a little bit like Mirkwood, bar the odly coloured trees and the unnaturally large leaves they held. I heard a voice from behind me, it was Bilbo, my little hobbit. He ran past me, kicking up a pile of leaves that had slipped from the branches of the trees, these leaves were orange. -the forest had completely changed! Now we were in Kirkwood, I felt it's sickness as if I were really there... Again. I heard the voice in my head. It's voice. The forest's voice. It was talking to me.
'Bilbo will never be yours. His heart belongs elsewhere. His heart belongs to the Shire, you cannot own his heart. Even he is corrupted. He carrys a great burden, which is his alone to bear. You cannot help him, not comfort him, nor claim his heart. He will never stay with you in Erebor. NEVER!!'
That was when I realised, the voice in my head was mine- it was my doubts about me and Bilbo. My doubts about our relationship. I wanted us to last, but felt we would not... Bilbo ran past me, giggling as he ran, I let go of a deep, guttural chuckle and ran after him. Everything was in slow motion until I caught up with him. I tackled him and we landed in a heap on the ground. I was on top of him, smiling into his eyes. "I've got you now my burglar!"
"Mm. So you have. Now what are you going to do?"
"Well." I leaned down to kiss his hobbit lips, and when I did I felt all warm inside. Like it was meant to be. He was mine and I was his. Then the scene suddenly changed, we were laying on the cold, stone ground in Erebor, in the throne room. I picked myself up off the floor, Bilbo grinned as I hauled him up. Suddenly, two strong arms dragged me towards the throne and gently sat me down in it. I heard two soft voices talk in sync, "there you go Uncle." -Fili and Kili, they had helped me onto the throne. I was sat on the throne of Erebor!! I couldn't believe it. Fili and Kili walked away from me, and there I saw the company. Balin and Dain placed a crown upon my head and announced, "Hail Thorin, King of Erebor! Hail Thorin, King Under the Mountain!"
'King Under the Mountain!' I thought and sighed, it felt so good to be crowned officially. Everyone knelt before me, even Bilbo, even though I wasn't HIS king. I approached the company and said boldly, "thank you! Thank you for helping me get here. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for not giving up on me and thank you for forgiving my sinful, selfish acts. And to those whom I left behind, I am truly sorry." I walked over to Bilbo and placed a strong hand on his shoulder, "you need not kneel to me. I am not YOU'RE king."
"Well I still feel I should kneel, for you may not be king of the Shire, but you are the king of my heart." Suddenly the walls around us changed, and we were in a bedroom, alone. He was still kneeling, he grinned up at me, "I bet you're glad I'm kneeling now." He chuckled as he started to undo my trousers. I took his hands in mine, "no Bilbo. Not yet." I knelt down so I was at eye level with him, "surely it's all a bit-" he pinned me to the floor and started kissing me, I opened my mouth so that his tongue could slip in, with his tongue he stroked every inch of my mouth. I moaned in his mouth and scooped him up and laid him on the bed, my lips never leaving his and his lips never leaving mine, we started to get undressed, both our shirts were off and we were working on each others trousers. "Oh Bilbo." I moaned.

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