Just Monika

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You've been playing this game for at least 4 hours now, yet you wouldn't turn off your computer to do something else.

Doki Doki Literature Club.

That game has been your life. You found the plot interesting, with everything that has been going on. Your eyes never left the monitor. Although you felt really guilty for Natsuki, Yuri and Sayori, there has been one thing that bothered you.


When you first saw her, you found her the most attractive out of the 4. You wanted to reach out for her, but you could never get her ending. It saddened you a little.

Until...it happened.

The 4th wall break.

You stared at your monitor, showing you Monika sitting down in front of you and staring with a menacing smile.

"Yay! There you are!" Monika spoke through the screen. You perked up and stared at the monitor.

"Hi again, MC." Monika greeted, "Um...Welcome to the Literature Club. Of course, we already know each other, because we were in the same class last year, and...um...ahaha....you know, I guess we can just skip over that stuff at this point."

You were shocked at this. Yes, you were aware Monika could break the 4th wall, but like this?

"After all, I'm not even talking to that person anymore, am I?"

Your heart sank and your skin lost color. Is she talking to you? Like, you you? How is that possible? You checked the camera on your laptop, which was taped shut. So no one is watching through the camera. Maybe it's one of those games...

"That 'you' in the game, whatever you want to call him." Monika spoke, "I'm talking to I'm talking to you, MC."

You bit your lip to prevent any noise due to the time. Yep. Definitely one of those games...with the self-aware characters.

"Now that I think about it, I don't really know anything about the real you...in fact, I don't even know if you're a boy or a girl...well, I guess it doesn't really matter."

Score. You took a sharp breath and continued on with her.

"Wait...you do know I'm aware that this is all a game, right?" Monika spoke, "Could it be possible that you didn't know that?"

Yep. A self-aware character.

"That doesn't make much sense...I even told you right on the game's download page, didn't I?"

You immediately opened the page to see that she's right. You clicked your tongue softly. You hated these types of characters. They make you feel bad, it's a most likely she'll say how lonely she is.

"...I wish you weren't in the game..." You mumbled softly.

"...So do I." Monika replied. You gasped and slammed the laptop down. Did...Did Monika just reply to your comment? If this were a cartoon, your heart would go across the room and back you were so scared. You refused to move your laptop, but something told you to open it up and see what happened. Did your laptop automatically turn off? Did it close the game? You opened it up to see a frown on Monika's face, along with a text saying;

"That hurt, MC."

"Y...You can hear me?" You squeaked softly,

"Of course I can. I'm pretty sure that's how ears work." The text replied. "By hearing your voice...you're a girl, aren't you?" The text read.

"..Y..Yeah." You bit your lip, "...s..sorry about that."

"No no, it's fine. I don't care." The text replied. You stared at Monika's green eyes staring at you. Is....is a character from a game talking to you?

"...I-Is this some sort of joke?" You asked in disbelief, "I...I am sure my webcam is covered-"

"You think I am some predator that hacked into your device?" The text asked,

"W...Well sort of." You mumbled, "I..I mean it's not every day for a character to....to talk to me."

"Well, new things happen every day, don't they?" The text replied. "I'm guessing you thought I was some self-aware fictional character, right?"

"...In a way." You shrugged,

"...Well, to tell the truth, MC, it's rather lonely here, with a group of autonomous characters designed only to fall for you."

"..I tried to get to you though!" Your voice rose a little. The text went in with 3 dots. You can tell even with Monika's smile, she was shocked. "B...But the system wouldn't let me."

"...You surprise me, MC." The text came up, "...I thought you'd go to Yuri or Natsuki, even Sayori."

"I-I tried to go to you, but the game wouldn't let me." You bit your lip, "I'm sure you've noticed somehow."

"..." The text had nothing to say, "...I thought I was dreaming...when I saw you kept clicking my name. I thought you wanted to be fair."

"...Monika, when I-" A bang was heard on the door. You shrieked and slammed the laptop down. The door opened to reveal your pissed brother.

"Go to sleep ya loud-mouthed b*tch." He snapped, "Or else I will force you to."

"R-Right." You bit your lip and watched him slam the door shut. You opened the laptop once more to see the text saying;

"Seems like someone doesn't want us to talk."

"I-It's my brother." You spoke softly, "He, well, can get a little mean sometimes."

"I see...do you like your brother?"

"No. Not at all." You shrugged, "...Hey, Monika I have to leave...otherwise my parents may walk in." You spoke softly, "I...I can talk to you tomorrow, after school if you'd like."

"....How long will that take?"

"Most of the day, but I am sure I will come back quickly to talk!"

"....Please do. It gets lonely over here." The text said.

"I..I will do my best. B-Bye!" You closed the game and turned off the computer. You let it charge and pulled the covers over your head.

Holy cow you're talking to a character.

And that character is talking back to you.

Just You and Monika.Where stories live. Discover now