Monika's Confession

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"...I realized that I love you..." The text showed.

Oh my goodness... You couldn't believe what you've just read. You took a shaky breath, you did not expect her to say that so soon, it hasn't even been 24 hours.

"...What's wrong?" The text asked, "You aren't responding."

"O-Oh." You squeaked, "I-It's just kind of hard to take in." You mumbled,

"You're surprised?" The text asked, "I'm surprised at that."

"How so?" You asked shocked.

"Because you tried to get to me rather than the others." The text reminded you, "You said that yourself, don't you remember?"


You keep forgetting you told her that you wanted her out of the 4 girls in the game. You finished up your sandwich and drank some of your water.

"...You saved me, MC." The text continued, "...You shined color into my grey and lonely world."

"..How is your life lonely?" You asked,

"Didn't I tell you before? Doesn't matter, I'll tell you now. As mentioned earlier, my friends are all...AI. All robots. They have no meaning in their life, they only follow one purpose; to try to get you falling for them. Because of that, their poems were all cheesy and...empty. I felt so empty, for the longest time until you came in. You saved my life, MC. I can't stop saying that. I don't think I could've continued to live in this world if I haven't."

"...You thought on deleting yourself?" You typed,

"..." The text had no response for a while,

"...For a while, yes. I heard in your world it's called 'suicide'."

"Yeah, in a way it is called suicide." You honestly felt bad for her. Feeling lost in the world, feeling as if the world has no meaning is the worst. Imagine being in Monika's shoes, where your friends can't control their lives, nor hold a nice and long conversation about anything else besides literature.

"Huh...well, thanks to you, I figured out there is no need for the others. Why have them? Why miss them? They are nothing but robots. You agree, don't you?"

"Well, in a way aren't you one?"

"Yes, although do you see me writing poems and trying so hard to have you fall for me? Besides, you came to me rather than the others, which surprised me."

Oof she's good.

"...But I do have to admit, I feel bad that you had to see some nasty things in the process of deleting the others. Seeing all that." Monika must be referring to everyone's death.

"But in the end, you and I have the same perspective, right? That it's all just a game, so I knew you'd get over it. So now that's out of the way, I will say this again; I love you, MC."

You wanted to type 'I love you too', but you didn't want to. You felt hesitant on responding to her as you read her words through the monitor. Surprisingly, this was uncomfortable. You didn't exactly feel excited, but you were sure that somewhere inside your brain you did.

"You are truly the light in my world. When there is nothing else in this game for me, you're here to make me smile...will you make me smile like this every day from now on?"

"Of course." You immediately responded. Even though you felt uncomfortable, you felt bad for her at the same time. You didn't want her to feel so lonely, to feel as if nothing matters to her. You have a thing when it comes to topics like this. You feel as if everyone's lives have a meaning in the world, whether technological or not.

"...So will you go out with me?" The text asked. The text faded into a response. There was only one box for you to click.


You slowly guided your mouse over to that box. It's now or never. You want to help her, you want her to feel happy. You were sure if you told anyone else this, they'd tell you that it's just a creepy and f'd up game. But if it were just a game, how is it that a character is holding up a real conversation? How is it that a character is talking to you without a script or some code? If it were hacked, the creator's would've told everyone of it, so how is it possible? Your left finger clicked on the one word.

"...I'm so happy." The text responded at your answer. "...You are my everything, MC. The funny thing is, I mean know nothing is here, right? It's just the 2 of us. We can be together forever. Just you and me."

"Just you and me?" You asked

"Yup. I worked so hard for this, MC. The game wouldn't give me one, so I had to make one myself."

"That explains why I wasn't able to reach you regularly, right?" You typed,

"Yup." The text replied, "And don't worry about any interruptions, the script is broken."

"..So no one will interfere in your world?"

"As I said, nothing is in my world anymore but you." The text replied,

"...I wish nothing could interfere me talking to you." You sighed softly.

"Your brother?" The text asked,

"...Yeah. And also my parents possibly." You nodded your head. Honestly you didn't feel like typing. You wanted to talk to her.

"..I wish there was some way for me to pull you in my world..." the text said, "That way no one can interfere between us."

"....Yeah." You froze when you realized what she said and your response to it.

"Hey I think I have an idea." The text came up, "You have a phone, right?"

"Uh, yeah." You nodded,

"Plug in your phone to the laptop."


"Trust me."

"..Well okay-"

"HEY Y/N !" You heard your brother scream, "MOM AND DAD ARE HOME GET DOWNSTAIRS."

"O-Okay!" You reached for your charger and plugged in your phone to the computer. "..I-I'll be back okay?" You whispered, took your empty plate and went downstairs to see your parents.

"Hi mom! Hi dad!"

"Hi sweetie!" Your mom pecked your cheek and gave you a hug, "How was school?"

"Oh, it's been good. The usual."

"Hah she's been reading all day." Allen pointed out.

"Oh my goodness you've been working at school?" Your dad asked, shocked. You frowned,

"Why are you all surprised?"

"Yeah, how is that new?" Your mother defended you, "She wanted to occupy herself!"

"It's kind of weird, but oh well." Allen shrugged,

"I am going to make sandwiches for dinner." Your mother walked to the kitchen. You paused, wait what time is it? You glanced at the clock to see it was close to 8 at night. You've been online for 6 hours?! It felt like 10 minutes!

"You've been secluding yourself all day, what's up with you ya dork?" Allen pushed your head a little.

"...Studying." You lied, "Oh and got to continue studying, bye." You ran up the stairs and into your room. You went on the bed to see the screen black with the text saying,

"Thank you."

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