Retail Therapy

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You spent the next 10 minutes trying to figure out what just happened. The game would load, but it wouldn't go to the screen with the girl whom you've been talking to. You looked at your phone, then back at your laptop. Maybe the game crashed?

"HEY MOM WANTS YOU DOWNSTAIRS." You heard Allen scream.

"Now now Allen, be more gentle." You heard your mother say to Allen.

"I-I'm coming..." You said back, stared at your laptop, then went downstairs.

"What is it mom?" You asked,

"I need you to go to the garage and finish the laundry." Mom said. You shrugged,

"...Why can't Allen do it?" You asked,

"Because Allen is busy with his homework-" She was interrupted when the house shook from Allen's guitar.

"...yeah. With his homework." You rolled your eyes and walked to the garage. Allen almost gets way with everything, you aren't sure why. You went to the laundry and put in the last batch for the day. When you walked in you saw Mom lecturing Allen. You simply ignored it and walked upstairs with a hope Monika is waiting. But when you got there, nothing. You frowned, gave up and closed the laptop for the day. You charged your laptop and prepared for bed. You gave up. You weren't sure what happened with Monika, in fact you were concerned. You stared at the ceiling in the dark room. Downstairs was a lecture from both your parents to your brother. You were positive in the next morning Allen would be in a bad mood, but right now it's not the time to think about that. You went over to your side facing the laptop.

What is Monika trying to do that involves your phone?

Your eyes slowly closed for the night, as the image of Monika appeared in your vision before you fell asleep.

"....I feel so empty without you."

"......I want to see you, wake up beside me every morning."

"..........You will never be bored around me."

Your eyes jerked open thanks to the alarm. You slowly got up and prepared for school. In the process you took your phone and went out the door before Allen woke up. You didn't even make breakfast. The school sells breakfast anyway, so you're fine. But Allen is a concern. You stopped at the entrance of the school. Now Allen is going to be in a hella bad mood. You gulped and ran into class, maybe during snack and lunch you go somewhere else for your safety.


When snack began, you were in the library. You were doing your math homework and studying for your language test that will be held after lunch. Yeah, you were already doing well so far in your language class, but you wanted to improve a little more. As you did both, your phone rang. You raised an eyebrow, you could've sworn you turned off your phone, how is it on? Neither one of your hands were even on your phone, so this was confusing. You reached for your phone and opened it to discover a notification from an app you don't remember downloading. You opened it to have your mouth drop. Easily recognizable, you were shocked to see Monika sitting on her desk, staring at you. Her smile was wider than when she was on your laptop. The familiar pink text came up, and said,


"MONIKA!" You shrieked, tossed your phone on the desk and jumped out of your seat. You got a couple looks from people around you, and a 'shush' from the librarian. After apologizing multiple times with your face red, you sat back down and looked at your phone once more to see a frown on Monika's face.

"Aw, did I scare you?" The text asked and gave you space to type your answer. You jammed your fingers on the screen

"That's why you weren't on the laptop screen last night!"

"Haha yeah! I connected myself to your phone so I can talk to you more, silly!" The text showed while Monika's smile appeared once more, "Haha, your reaction was cute. You're so cute MC."

"Haha, very funny." You typed with sarcasm in your mind.

"Speaking of which, MC, I don't know your real name." The text showed, "I only know that you're a female from your voice, not your actual name. What is it?"

" y/n ."

" y/n....such a pretty name." The text complimented you. "...Also your camera isn't covered. I can see you."

"ahaha..." You shifted in your seat uncomfortably.

"You look cute." The text complimented as Monika gave a closed eye smile.

"Oh...Thank you." You thanked her through the text.

"You're welcome! I see you're're in the library, right?"


"Studying for something?"

"Well, I'm doing my math homework and studying for my language class."

"You're triple-tasking!" Monika had a surprised look. You raised an eyebrow.


"Yeah! You're studying, doing your homework, and talking to me at the same time! "

A small smile appeared on your lips. She's so cute.

"aha...if that's how you put it, then yeah."

"Oh my goodness! I have never met anyone who has done 3 things at once....then again I haven't met anyone before...well technically there are people who do 2 things at once, right?"

"Yeah, majority of people can do that."

"But you're different..." Monika had a warm smile, " can do 3 things at once. I bet once in a while you end up doing 4 things!"

"Aha, I wish." You giggled quietly. "But if I do, I'll be sure to let you know ASAP!"

"I'd love to hear what things you would do! I hope one of them would be talking to me!"

"I'm sure it will be!"

You bet your ass one of them would be talking to you, Monika. As much as you wanted to talk to her more, the bell rang for the next class. You frowned and looked at your phone.

"...The bell rang for your next class, didn't it." Monika's face saddened a little, "And I wanted to talk to you more."

"Don't worry, we will once lunch starts. I'll open you up when it does!" You typed on with a smile. Monika's smile appeared once more.

"I'll be ready for that! Bye bye for now!" The text showed,

"..Bye Monika!" You whispered and closed the app. You packed your things, put your phone in silent and walked out the library to your next class.


As class went on, you took down lots of notes because you knew at some point you'd forget them. When class ended and lunch began, you eagerly went on your phone to get to Monika. However, a hand heavily pressed against your shoulder. You flinched and turned pale when you realized who it was.

"...hey brat." Allen said with a glare, "...Let's Talk."

Just You and Monika.Where stories live. Discover now