17- Christmas lights & happy ever afters

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im sorry for deleting the chapter, its just that some of you read it while i havent finished it yet... i mrant to press save and it updated it by mistake so im sorry... but for those who read it alread:


thank you, i love you all.


that's the last chapter, so i'm very emotional right now.

i hope you'll like it,


here's some songs to get you into Christmas spirit:

I'll leave some photos at the end too, so you could skip if you need some more help to get into spirit before you read.


"Are you ready, baby?" Camila asks nervously, watching her daughter intently.

"I don't think I can do it Cami." She shakes her head nervously, trying to fix her beautiful purple dress with her small palm from anxiety.

"Maybe we should just stay home, just us, you know? It will be fun to do Christmas just me, you, Pa, granny and Sofe." She rambled.

Camila giggled.

"Baby, you will be perfectly fine. I'm not leaving your side. I'll be with you the whole time and we can leave if you'll feel that it's too much. Adam will understand, and I can just make something up with management or something. Or even ask Lauren to make something up about her management." Camila smiles reassuringly at the small (almost) eleven year old.

"Yeah it will definitely make since, considering the huge mess you two made." Abby giggled and rolled her eyes playfully.

"Hey! Don't roll your eyes at me young lady! I'm giving you food!" Camila whined as she crossed her arms over her chest jokingly.

"Well, what do you want me to do mommy? You and lo did mess up bad. We literally can't even breathe without everyone in America talking about it after all the attention you got on you." The kid complains. "I mean, you gotta admit, it wasn't such a smart move; to be seen in public together, without management's agreement -of course-. To tell the whole world, the truth, about Camren, to break Tyren shipper's heart by telling them without a warning about Lauren and Tye's relationship complications, and to say that they really never were an actual couple, as well as you and Matthew." Abby crossed her arms. "That's a lot of information mommy. And all of it without informing publicity or management. Great plan mom, great plan." the purple dress beauty lowered her head as she mumbled the last part to herself, her arms grossing themselves with annoyance.

"I know baby, I know." Camila pulled the small girl carefully into her arms, getting down on her knees to hug her daughter.

"I know you hate the attention, I know." Camila sighs. "I know, and I'm sorry." Camila pats her back lovingly.

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