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3 Person POV


One night, on a full moon, at the Salvatore Boarding School, Hope Mikaelson and Professor Saltzman went out on a trip to Georgia. They were going to retrieve a foster-boy, newly turned werewolf named Rafael Waithe. They tracked his location to a Catholic Church in Atlanta. As they arrived they walked closer to the front of the church, they see a young boy named Landon Kirby. He sat on the steps of the church with his earbuds in while reading a book. As Hope and Dr. Saltzman walk up the stairs Landon sees her feet and looks up . Hope saw him as he looked up and says "Landon."  "Hope? " he said. " You too know each other?" Alaric asked. " Long story ."she said, then they heard glass shattering and the werewolf yelling in pain " Dr. Saltzman." hinting to the werewolf inside. " Yeah, I'm on it" Alaric walked over to the door and tried to open it with one hand while the other was holding a crossbow and a black duffel bag. "  Doors are locked." he said. " Dissera Portus!" she said while the doors opening causing Landon to stand up and jump a little.

"You're gonna want to stay out here Landon, trust me." she said while her and Dr. Saltzman walk into the building with Landon following. As Rafael screams a priest is speaking Latin while holding up a cross attempting to give Raf an exorcism while he was turning. " Shut down the exorcist, would you?" he asks. " Silencio" she said causing the priest to end up not having a mouth. He tries to continue talking but everything is just mumbling. " Ad Somnum" she said making all of the other adults in the room collapse,that includes their foster mom and dad and the priest. " Help me...." Rafael says as he is turning on the floor. " What's happening?" Raf asks. " Help me." he keeps saying. He continues to scream while his shirt rips. While his bones are cracking, Dr. Saltzman and Hope are putting hooks in the floor of the church and attaching chains to them with metal cuffs at the ends of them. They strap the big metal collar around his neck. " Easy does it. Easy, now." said Alaric. A few seconds later he has turned into a huge black wolf, he had chains attached to his neck, growling and trying to pull from the restraints. 

The Next Morning


Alaric is driving with Hope in the passengers seat, Rafael asleep and in the back with Landon. " So how do you two know each other" Alaric asked. " He used to serve me milkshakes at the Mystic Grill" she said. " Peanut Butter Blast. Whipped cream on the bottom" he answered. Hope turned back to look at him, she smiled and then quickly turned back. " We danced once." he said. " We tried" she corrected him while she laughed. " Then you moved away." " Then you made a door fly off its hinges with your brain. Do you feel like explaining that?" Landon said oh we'll explain everything after Rafael has had his tour. We'll be there soon. Oh and Hope, you still have to show around the new group of supernaturals from Beacon Hills, CA." Alaric said. " Oh my God, I completely forgot about that." " You cant back down you need it for your volunteer hours." he said " Where are we even going" Landon asked. " Somewhere safe." Alaric answered.

As they arrive at the school two twins named Josie and Lizzie are waiting for their arrival. As they get out of the van the twins introduce themselves. " Welcome to The Salvatore School, we're your tour guides" the blond, mean one named Lizzie said " I'm Josie" said the nice, brown haired girl, " I'm Lizzie" "Sisters" " Twins" " Fraternal. Obvs" they said switching back between who was talking. " Rafael, Landon, why don't you guys go with the girls while Hope and I meet the other new students" Alaric said. While the twins go and grab the arms on Rafael and Landon they say " Morning, Hope." " Morning, Girls." Hope says. " More like despair." Lizzie mutters under her breath. " I heard that." Hope said " No you didn't." Lizzie said loudly as they were walking away. " Didn't have too she said. " Everyone behave." said Alaric. " Love you, Dad" the twins said. "So..." Dr. Saltzman said " Lets get started." he hinted to the front of the school so they could meet the new kids.

As they are standing in the front of the school waiting for the new students to arrive. As they pull up in a light blue jeep and a black van. The kids hop out of the cars, 7 boys and 3 girls.

 Hopes POV


 The boy with the uneven jawline's name was Scott McCall. The pale boy standing next to him was Stiles Stilinski. The girl holding Stiles's hand was Malia Tate.The boy with curly, blond hair was Isaac Lahey. The girl next to Scott was Kira Yukimura. In front of Isaac was Lydia Martin.

The others coming out of the black van were, Liam Dunbar. Next to him was Theo Raeken. On the other side of Liam was Mason Hewitt and the guy holding his hand was Corey Bryant.

Scott McCall: True Alpha Werewolf

Stiles Stilinski: Ex- Nogitsune

Malia Tate: Werecoyote

Lydia Martin: Banshee

Isaac Lahey: Beta Werewolf

Kira Yukimura: Thunder Kitsune

Liam Dunbar: Beta Werewolf

Theo Raeken: Beta Werewolf

Mason Hewitt: Ex- Beast

Corey Bryant: Werechameleon

I started to introduce myself." Hi, my name is Hope Mikaelson." and as I said that the adult in the passengers-seat of the black van hopped out and said" Hope?" " Derek?" we ran into a hug, everyone giving us weird looks.

3rd Person POV


Hope and Derek knew each other from when Hope dad had just left because of the Hallow. When she started attending school again after that incident with the Hallow. She was in New Orleans for the weekend and decided when she got home she would run away. She was running off to go find her dad. She had made it to Beacon Hills, California before someone became suspicious of a little girl running around in the woods late at night on a full moon. It was none other than Derek Hale. It was about the time his family died and he was having issues with control so he would just run around in the woods all night.

When he spotted Hope, he quickly ran over to her and asked her why she was out in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night. He explained to her that he was a werewolf, he knew she wouldn't say anything, despite her age, because he could sense how much supernatural power she had. Then she opened up and told him who she was and where she was from.

He drove her back to New Orleans back to her Mom and Aunt Freya. They were both worried sick along with Keelin when they couldn't find her. They were all very grateful because they were all worried of what might of happened if they weren't there to protect her.

Later they ask Derek if he could help train Hope in self defense after they saw him take down 5 vampires who attacked him because he was a wolf. He agreed because he felt bad for the poor girl who's life was in risk or danger every single day at such a young age.

He stayed longer than planned, and only left when he found out that his sister was dead.

Hope's Dad came back from Europe shortly after that.

She was very happy to see him again and so was he.

Authors Note: Thank you for reading this, I'm not that good at writing 🙃


The McCall's and Mikaelson's in Mystic Falls | Isaac Lahey 🏹❤🐺Where stories live. Discover now