Chapter 2: The Begining

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Saru and I approached Scepter 4. Despite wanting to walk in the rain, Saru said I could get a cold or some shit. This boy really cares about me.  I don't know what I would do without him.

We got inside Scepter 4 headquarters and met Seri, my aunt.

"Hi, sweetheart! Hi Saru! I assume you're here for your dad's?"

"Yep. Dad said he needed to talk to me."I said

"He's in Munakata's office. You can go  ahead."

We walked through the first floor and up the stairs. We got to the door and I could hear yelling.

"You don't understand! She isn't supposed to be in this. This isn't her fight!" I heard my dad yell.

I knocked on the door. I heard a faint come in. I opened the door and saw daddy and Resi. Something seemed off. 

"Hi, daddy. Hi Mr. Munakata." I greeted them nervously

"Hello, Rose. Thank you for coming on such short notice."

"No problem. What's this about?"

"As you know, Hisui Nagare is the fifth and green king. The clansmen are called JUNGLE. They are plotting something. We need someone to infiltrate and get some information regarding what they are planning to do. We need you to act as if you've run away from HOMRA and want to join JUNGLE." He said.

"I-" I was out of breath. Why me? 

"Sweetie, if you don't want to do this you don't have to." My dad spoke reassuringly.

"Objection. This isn't a question nor do you have a choice. You are going to do this." Resi interrupted.

"Resi!" Dad whisper yelled.

"Dad!" Saru whisper yelled.

"I'll do it. If it means that the people of Tokyo are safe then I'll gladly do it."

This can't be good...

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