Chapter 3: Full Moon Festival pt. 1

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After my unexpected meeting with Munakata, I walked out with Saru. We both linked our arms together. The sky was getting more beautiful as the sun went down. The road we walked through to get to HOMRA was busy. I guess everyone was getting ready for the festival.

"Hey, Saru?" I said

"Hm?" He hummed

"Guess what." 

"I love you." I smiled

"I love you too."

We reached HOMRA and we walked in. Everyone seemed fine except for mom. She looked tired. I walked up to her.

"Mama, are you okay?" I asked. She looked at me with her red eyes.

"Yes, just tired." She replied.

"Mabey you should get some rest."

"I will once you leave. I want to see your fashion choice."

This was one of the things we bonded over. Our fashion choices. This was our "thing." We always gave each other advice when we didn't know what to wear.

"Okay." I smiled.

I walked away and went up to my room. I looked through my closet. Maybe a black dress? Or a blue dress? Too cliche. Maybe a white hoodie with jeans? Yep. 

I went to the bathroom to curl my hair. Yata had the door open. He was doing his hair as well.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked as I walked in and turned on the curling iron. 

"Sure. You going to the Moon Festival tonight with Saru?" He asked.

"Yep. Supposed to be fun. We're probably going to eat something after." I said as I started curling my hair.

"Sounds cool. Don't get into trouble, alright?" He said.

"Got it," I said as I finished my hair. I was about to walk out but he called me.

"Hey Rose?"

"Yes, Yata?" 

"I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled at him and walked out.

I went back to my room and grabbed my purse. Going out tonight should take my mind off things. Maybe I'll meet someone. Who knows? I walked downstairs and mom gave me a look.

"Really? A hoodie?" She asked

"What? It'll be cold." I tried to reason with her

"Fine. You win."

"I'll be back later. Love you mom. I'll see you guys later!" I yelled to the guys at the bar.

I walked out and met with Saru. This was going to be a fun night...

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