Keeping Up Appearances

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The early start is useful in that it allows me to get things done. By 9am the house is spotlessly clean, there is washing on the line and I am heading out the door, on my way to an interview. I don't normally agree to these sorts of things but, unfortunately, the need for the services I provide is ever growing.

When I started out, many moons ago, nobody liked to discuss what I did. My name was whispered in secret to those unlucky enough to need me. Times have changed and these days my work is seen as heroic, not that I have ever felt like a hero. I do what I love and I love what I do. There is nothing more to it than that. Of course, these days there is a lot more help available and I am no longer the only chance for those who have slipped through societies net. There are schemes in place, funding available and a number of options which help approximately 97% of people. The other 3% come to me. So while I may no longer be the only chance of help these people have, I am the last chance.

Today's interview is to celebrate the start of a new initiative, something unique, which I hope will benefit many people for years to come. It is something I have wanted to do for a long time but never thought I would achieve that is, until I was talked into making the service into a charity. 'Forever Hope' has received a number of donations and even a bit of funding so the dream is able to become a reality.

Arriving at my destination I slow to a stop before a barrier. The security guard on duty ticks my name off a list before allowing me through. After parking my car I realise I am a little early for the interview so I decide to make some phone calls. The first is to confirm that this afternoon's meeting is still taking place.

'Hello, Its Betsan here,' I say when the call is answered, 'yes, I was just calling to make sure everything is ok? Oh, you are on your way, good. Everything going all right so far - no complications? Ah, I see, a fan. No, that will not be a problem. I shall see you both later. Bye now.'

The second call does not go so well, I dial the number multiple times but don't even get the answer machine. 'How strange,' I say to myself while making a mental note to try again later. Stepping out of the car I try to ease me nerves my saying, with more confidence that I feel, 'let's get this show on the road.'

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