A Fresh Start

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When we pull up at the house I think we must be lost and are having to ask the Queen for directions. The house is bigger than any I have ever seen and all around are hills and trees. Suddenly my insides freeze. Through the trees I can see a river. My mind races with memories of being thrown into the icy cold water; my lungs remember the burning as I tried to hold my breath. My hands feel clammy, the panic builds.

'Hmmmm mmmmmm mmmm,' I can't help it. The noise gets louder and louder until I have to cover my ears. Somewhere behind me I can hear Mrs. Frown telling me off for my naughty behaviour. She sounds cross and that makes my humming louder.

'Hush now,' says a strange, beautiful lady whose face magically appears in front of me.

'Hmmmmmmm mmmmmmm,' I continue as my body rocks back and forth.

'Hey, it's ok.' The woman kneels down, she is smiling and not cross at all. Her hands come up to my ears and lightly pull my hands away so I can hear her speak. 'Is there anything I can do to help you?'

'Hmmmmm... what?'

'Can I help you to feel better?'

'Hmmmm... you want to help?'

'Yes, of course I do,' her smile is warm and stretches almost from ear to ear.

'Hmmmm can you take me to see the hmmm woman who knows Dragoon? She might hmmm let me live with her hmmmm if I am good.'

'Do you think you are not good?'

The question shocks me. Everyone always says I am not good and that I am worse than naughty but I haven't thought about it before. I think about it now. 'No. I think I am just me.'

'Good. I don't think you are not good either. I think you are Bobby and that is all you can be. Now, I am the lady who knows Dragoon. Everyone here calls me Betsy, you can too. I am more than happy to have you come live with me.'

'You are?'

'Yes. But that is not what matters. The important thing is that you want to come here. Would you like to come inside for a look before deciding?'

'Does Dragoon come here?'

'Yes,' the lady chuckled, 'he visits me quite often. He likes to see how the children I look after are getting on.'

'Is that because he was like me?'

'Yes,' the answer comes after a pause, 'he was left by himself, like you. He was also the first child I started looking after.'

'Then, I want to live here.'

'Wonderful. Now, I have to speak with Mrs Eva for a while. Dai and Grace are waiting inside for you, they are two of my older children and they will show you around. Is that ok?'

'I'd like to stay with you please.'

'Ok, but we have to talk about you, your health and what happened with your parents. Are you sure you want to hear those things?'

'Hmmmmmm,' the feeling creeps through me again.

'What if you stay nearby but play a video game or watch television with some headphones on?' I nod to answer her. 'Good, let's go in.'

Inside the house I am introduced to Grace and Dai. When Dai talks to me his words sound odd, as if his mouth can't say them properly but he smiles all the time and I like him straight away. Grace is very pretty with big, chocolate eyes and shiny bouncy hair, she is in a wheelchair. They both seem really nice and we all sit together to play a driving game. I say no to the earphones because I like to hear Grace and Dai talking even if though I don't feel like I can talk much myself.

The grownups are behind us, they try to speak quietly but I extra am good at hearing people, especially when they are talking about me.

'Now, I understand the child was rescued from a river and has a fear of water?'

'Yes, Bobby was found in a river and dislikes bodies of water, ever rain. Warm baths are ok but anything else sets off the humming. When the parents were tracked the said that they had intended to "lose" Bobby and so the family went for a picnic near a river. While they were there they laced Bobby's cola with vodka and tried to leave as Bobby slept but their car wouldn't start. Instead they went for a walk, it was pouring with rain by this point but Bobby was too drunk to notice anything. When they got to the bridge Bobby's father simply picked him up and threw him over.'

'They purposefully threw away one of their children.'

'Yes. When questioned by police they said Bobby was a nightmare child: always getting into trouble, hurting other kids and always angry.'

'Have you witnessed these behaviours?'

'Yes, they can be quite challenging at times. Although, I don't think they are as difficult as the parents made out. Truth be told, I think they were just lazy and Bobby made them work.'

'Has there been a diagnosis?'

'A few professionals have met with Bobby and have thrown around a few terms but there has been nothing that completely fits. Is that a problem?'

'No, I think we will get to the bottom of it once Bobby is settled.'

'You are still willing to -'

'I have never turned away a child in need of a home no matter how difficult or challenging looking after them might prove to be. Every child deserves some blue sky, some silver lining in their lives. Bobby is welcome to live here.'

'Wonderful, we shall get everything prepared. Bobby will move in -'

'Today, the child needs love, patience and attention. I doubt Bobby has been receipt of any of those things in abundance. Bobby stays.'

Although I had heard the words I hadn't being paying attention because I was too busy paying attention to the game so it took a few minutes before I realised Mrs. Frown was calling me. When I turned to see her she was wearing a big frown on her face. I don't know what I have done this time but it seems like it was really bad. But it is really strange because Betsy is smiling.

'Bobby, Betsy says she wants you to move in today. Wouldn't you want to come home with me until everything is settled and properly arranged?' The way she spoke made it seem like I should answer 'yes' but I really don't want to go back there. 'Bobby?'


'Yes, Bobby.'

'I was wondering, how did Dragoon live here when he was little when he was raised by the Dragon Masters of Agranth?'

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