See, ya.

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I had just returned from hunting with Aasim, and Louis. The rabbits we had caught stayed in Aasim's rugged hands. Willy opened the rusty warm down gate, the only entrance to the school. Foot steps followed behind me. I looked over, the dreaded boy was now right at my side. He held a chair leg, resting the wooden object on his shoulder. His chocolate eyes stared at the ground.

"I under estimated you Clemster. Your pretty  good with Chairles." He winked.

I rolled my eyes at the comment, a smirk appeared on my thin lips. We entered the school, greeting everyone.

"Clem!" I turned around to see Aj running over.

His arms wrapped around my waist. I petted his knotty Afro. He pulled out of the hug as I kneeled down to his level. I kissed his small forehead upon pulling away I had the bright idea to tickle him.

"How are you?" He questioned me.

His bottom lip poked out.

"I'm good but.. Do you know what you are?" I smirked.

"What?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"Ticklish!" I squealed before tickling his sides and belly.

He fell down in a fit of laughs. I pulled my arms away. Letting him get off the floor and run over to Tenn. I pushed myself off the floor than stood up. Leaving me with the big kids.

"He's adorable!" Louis stood behind me, his arms at his sides.

"I'm lucky to have him." I smiled to myself.

I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have Aj with me. I would be lost, and heart broken.

"Would you like to play war with us?" I turned around to look at the boy with freckles.

In his hand was a pack of playing cards.

"Why not." I began to follow the boy over to the picnic tables.

I sat between violet, her emerald eyes were dull, her thin blonde hair reached her jaw. In my right sat Mitch. His hair was at least the same length as violets except it was a reddish brown color. His eyes were small. Louis began passing out a small stack of cards to every player.

"So who ever has the highest card gets to ask the person with the lowest card a question." He explained.

Everyone flipped a card over. Violet had the highest and Marlon had the lowest.

"Why does your hair look like a dead cat?" Her voice was raspy.

"My hair looks cool!" His eyebrow raised.

"Whatever you say." She rolled her green eyes.

"Look sharp y'all!" The dread head boy called out.

I swiped the next card off my deck. Marlon had the highest, I had the lowest. I looked at Marlon, noticing some of his features. His dull blue eyes looked gray. His nose red, also a prominent feature on his face.

"Have you ever dated a guy before?" He questioned.

I was shocked he would ask that. I guess I want the only one. Louis looked upset. His eyes were stuck on Marlons face. His mouth was wide open. I cringed before answering.

"No... I haven't." I shook my head.

He winked at me before looking back down at his deck. In the corner of my eye I saw Louis roll his eyes. We all flipped another card off our decks. Louis had the highest and I had the lowest... again.

He glared at Marlon before asking." You like- like anyone here?"

I thought for a moment. One boy came to mind." Definitely."

I brought my hand to my mouth, yawning.

"I think I'm ready for bed." I swiped my legs over the bench.

I was now standing in the middle of the court yard, my arms crossed.

"Aj! Come on!" I waved over to him.

He quickly said a good bye to Tenn, then ran over to me. A bounce in every step he took. I took his hand in mine then we ventured to the dorms. Marlon was now beside me.

"See you two tomorrow?" He opened the door and held it for us.

I turned to face him."Yeah. See, ya."

There's gonna be a lot of tea. Hold onto your wigs folks!

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