What Am I Doing?

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*Tini kisses Jorge back for a few minutes but then she pulls away and walks away from him*

Jorge-What's wrong?

Tini-This isn't me! I-I just don't know what to do...

Jorge-Tini...I shouldn't have kissed you and...

Tini-No I kissed you back and that's wrong. Jorge I love you but that also means that I have to let you go.


Tini-Stop doing this to me! I try and do the right thing and you keep making things more difficult! I left you Jorge don't you remember? How do you know that I won't again?

Jorge-Will you?

Tini-Will you get engaged if I do?

Jorge-Tini we both messed up and we can fix that and all you have to do is say yes.


*Jorge takes her hands in his*

Jorge-I love you and you love me so why can't we be together?

Tini-Your baby is why.

*Tini walks out and overheard Stephie and Peter talking*

Peter-I am sorry babe but she isn't interested in me.

Tini-(Thinking) Babe? Are they together?

*Tini takes out her phone and records the conversation*

Stephie-Well make her! Jorge is only not making a move on her because he believes that I am pregnant but he might make a move on her if she says that she still likes him.

Peter-How do you know that she hasn't already?

Stephie-I don't but you will find out.

Peter-I don't know...

Stephie-If you want us to be together with Jorge's money then do it.

*Stephie walks off*

Tini-Jorge isn't going to believe this..

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