Chapter 6 POV lea

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"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU PLEASE!" I begged, Kira listened to me but Zach didn't, I quickly jumped in front of Kira who was distracted. Zach's eyes widened as he landed on me, I let out a whimper as my wounds from early opened and my back hit the hard ground. I felt blood trickling from my nose and mouth. Zach jumped off pain in his eyes as his tail dipped between his legs.

Before I could say anything Kira jumped on him, I heard Zach whimper, "WHAT DID YOU DO!" Kira growled as Zach didn't answer. "ANSWER ME! WHAT DID YOU DO!" Kira growled again, his beta command washed over Zach.

"I-I didn't mean to," Zach said gasping for air.

'I can't keep it up Lea we're going to have to shift back' my wolf said and without warning, I was human again. I looked and my body was covered in blood, I quietly coughed out blood.

"K-kira" I wheezed feeling the blood pool out of my mouth "I-I'm fine," I said a crooked smile formed from my lips, I watched him shift, I gaped at him but also realized that Zach had got his leg as I had jumped in the way. Kayde was right I did now him, but I thought he had always loved the name Kira, it meant God. His sister gave it to him before she disappeared.

"Your not ok," Cam said once his jeans were on, he helped me into his large sweater. That was the last thing I remember and the world when black.

"I'm not leaving her side, I don't care, Zach, I get you love her but I haven't seen her in years, and it's killed me. So I'm not moving" I heard someone whisper

"Leave her Kira" another whisper.

"Don't call me that! And no, Zach you don't get it, I need her, we're not mates, but she was my only friend I became reliant on her after my sister left me. I need her to survive, I almost died that day I left, I know she did too, I could feel it." I could hear Cam brake, I pretend to stay asleep

"And you should have died!" Zach whisper yelled at him.

I opened my eyes so fast and growled at Zach "Never, I repeat NEVER, tell him that again." I could tell they were both shocked that I overheard them. "And if you still hold a grudge for me hanging out with my only damn friend then leave Zach!" I continued, the beeping from the machine next to me driving me crazy.

"But, Lea I..." Zach started

"GET.OUT.NOW" I growled at him

"It's fine I can go... I seem to have caused a rift between family" Cam said I only realized he was holding my hand when he let go, my face twisted in pain when he left the room. Before I knew it a cry of pain came out of my mouth.

"It hurts" I whimpered, I couldn't even find what hurt, but something hurt. "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts" I cried squeezing my eyes shut.

"what hurts!!" I could tell Zach was panicking.

"I don't know! but something hurts!" I cried till I heard a voice

It's ok child, I'm here I'm here it will be fine, shhh

I opened my eyes and nothing hurt any more "Daddy?" I sobbed quietly realizing it was in my head.

"Dad is dead Lea he isn't gonna to come," Zach said as he set his face in his hands.

"No, he helped me he is still alive Zach he is, I heard him!" I insisted, but I knew Zach was right he was dead.

"Don't joke about something like that lea it's not funny" Zach snapped at me, I let out a whimper.

"I'm not joking," I said before I could stop myself

"JUST STOP LEA DONT YOU GET IT HE ISN'T HERE SO STOP!" Zach growled at me pain and anger in his eyes.

"Cam would believe me," I muttered but then quickly covered my mouth.

"If he means that much to you then why don't you just live with him," Zach snarled.

"I will!" I spat back getting up and walking out, I heard Zach call my name but I didn't listened.

I knew exactly where to see Cam, I felt like I always knew. I went out of the Shadow Moon's infirmary and limped to the field between silent sparrows and Shadow Moon. I was careful not to open any wounds again.

"I know Tessa, but she was also there for me! After my older sister left me I was devastated and she helped me." Cam said as he hugged the girl he was talking too.

"Look if that's how it is then why did you leave?" The girl said her wavy blond hair in a long ponytail swayed in the slight breeze.

"Because I'm not her actual brother, and ever since I became her friend I broke her and Zach's bond." He said

"No that wasn't your fault it was always broken," I said walking up to them "ever since dad died we stopped talking to each other." Is said sitting down because I could tell if I stood any longer my body would break.

"Lea, what are you doing here" Cam jumped looking me over me. The girl hadn't yet let go of his hug.

"Zach and I got in a fight... he brought up something that seemed better than what I originally had to deal with..." I said as Cam and the girl sat down, the girl hugged onto his arm.

"this is my friend Tessa," Cam said and nodded for me to say my thought.

"Wow, you 2 could be siblings," I chuckled as Cam's bangs fell in front of his eyes he had the same black hair as Tessa had, their facialal features looked the same, everything was the same except for the eyes. Camron had bright green eyes wile Tessa had ocean blue eyes.

"We get that a lot," Tessa's said smiling at me.

"Anyway," I said looking at Cam, " Zach said I should live with you, since I care about you so much."

The corners of his mouth twitched up "I will talk to Zen and Kayde about it" though I could tell he would convince both of them. I knew I meant nothing to Zen, so he wouldn't mind giving me up.

"You sure, every time Cam runs off you're gonna have to look for him" Tessa's slightly joked but her eyes darkened as if remembering something she wish she didn't.

"I'm ok with that, I had to do it when we were younger" I slightly laughed.

"What's going on?" A voice came from behind me.

"JAYJAY!" Tessa smiled and flung herself into the person behind me. Her eyes back to normal.

"Sorry Jay, didn't mean to steal her from you..." Cam said

"No problem I'm cool with sharing" the guy named Jay joked, "Kayde wants you by the way...." The guy looked at me "And you need to go back to the infirmary , Tessa and I can walk you" he offered

"I will take her on the way to Kayde's" Cam said helping me up.

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