Chapter 16 POV Everyone?

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"HELP" I laughed as Lea tickled me. She stopped when the window broke and Zen's Face was in it. We screamed and scrambled towards the door. We ran out of the room and into Kayde and Tessa.


"Turn around! Run!" Lea panted worriedly.

"Why? what broke!" Tessa asked.

"Z-Zen" Cam's face twisted in pain as he remembered what happened to him.

"Here Pet, " Zen called to Camron as the came around the corner.

A growl erupted from my chest. I pushed Cam at Tessa and shifted.

"NO!" I heard Cam yell but I was too focused, Zen shifted, his wolf was much bigger than mine.

"Cam we have to get out of here," Tessa told him

"I-i can't leave him here..." Cam said his voice was stern towards then end.

"Your distracted arent you" Zen grinned at me as he was now on top of me.

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"GET. OFF. HIM" My wolf growled loudly slamming Zen off Kayde and into the nearest wall. My wolf's eyes started to glow slightly.

"What did I warn you about Pet" Zen snapped getting to his paws.

"Oh, im sorry did I talk back?!" My wolf smirked our green eyes looked like they were on fire.

Zen Lunged towards me slamming me into the wall. His jaw against me through, he bit down hard making blood go over his face.

"CAMRON!" Kayde screamed sadness laced his voice. I felt bad but I had to pretend to be dead, and I did I went limp in Zen's Jaws.

"Oops," Zen said letting go of my body his voice was sarcastic.

"NO!" Kayde yelled probably lunging at Zen.

"CAMRON!" Lea sobbed. Tessa probably pulled her out of there.

"Oh, how important could my pet have been to you Kayde?" I heard zen sneer, I stayed in place acting dead. "Not as important your father I bet." Zen smiled.

"IT WAS YOU!" Kayde yelled probably tired to attack again, I heard him grunt

"Oh don't worry you can join your dad soon and my pet," Zen said that's when I took it as my chance, I got up and bit Zen's neck flipping him onto his back and off Kayde.

"You should be dead!" Zen said astonished.

"I just faked it." I shrugged.

"You little..." Zen started

"Ah what did you warn me about??" I simply asked sitting down, Zen was struggling to get up.

"not to talk back?" He questioned where this was going.

"Ah yes, that's it" I smiled once he stood up.

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I had never seen Cam like this. He slammed Zen into a wall and he is even smaller than me and I couldn't even get him off me.

"What did I tell you not to do pet" Zen chuckled, I hated how he called Cam a pet."Uh was it not to talk back?" Cam asked his voice laced with humour. his eyes seemed like they were on fire. Zen lunged at him slamming him into a wall his throat around Cam's neck.

"CAMRON!" I  yelled I couldn't do anything or Zen would hurt him, but if I did nothing, he would still hurt cam. Zen bit down hard on Cam's neck making blood go everywhere he let Cam's limp body go to the ground.

"NO!" I screamed lunging at Zen scratching his muzzle.

"Oh, come on how important was my pet to you?" He smiled slightly licking the blood off his muzzle. "Not as important as your dad I bet"

"IT WAS YOU!" I growled lunging at him, this time he pined me making me grunt.

"Don't worry you can join my Pet and your dad soon," Zen said he was about to bite my neck when something flipped him off me.

"You should be dead" Zen grunted.

"I faked it." Cam shrugged

"You little" Zen started while trying to get up.

"What did you tell me not to do?" Cam asked Zen sitting."Uh not to talk back?" Zen wondered. I could see where this was going and I didn't like it, though I did want Zen dead I didn't like that Cam was going to toy with him.

"Ah yes, that's right," He teased as Zen got up.

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