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**Hey! Important announcement for those of you that have been reading along as I publish, I created a small wattpad book trailer for this story and I published it in the first part of this story, 'Intro& Prologue' so if you are interested go check that out to get a better idea on this story! Bye and thanks!**

"What do you think he wants..." Era asked Malfoy as they walked together to the dungeons. 

"No clue." He responded shortly, not looking at her. 

"Why are you in such a bad mood?" She asked him, frowning slightly as he walked beside her, his face stony. 

"I'm not..." he said, clearly lying to her. She rolled her eyes, shoving him lightly. 

"Oh come off it, you're acting like a prat... oh wait, you are one!" She teased, but he didn't seem to take it as a joke. He tensed up and the frown on his face got even deeper set. They reached the door a few seconds later and frowning, he walked away quickly with no response. She could have sworn she hear him muttering

"Fine, if that's what you think." 

She felt a bit sorry for him but then forgot all about it as the potions master's office door opened sharply in her face. It hit her painfully on the nose and she cried out in pain, feeling the blood trickling down her face. 
"Come through," Snape said, because he had been standing at the door with an expressionless face while she was standing there with a swollen nose and blood running into her mouth. 

"Uh, sir, I just hurt my nose," She said, hiding her eyeroll from him. 

"Ah yes. You did." He said matter of factly. She waited expectantly for a moment, but then realized he was still waiting for her to enter the office. She decided that the pain wasn't terrible and hoped it was a short meeting, stepping into the office with a sigh. 

"Can I at least have... a tissue or something?" She hoped he had tissues. 

"Tissue? Yes, I suppose." He said shortly, floating a metal tissue box towards her. She sighed in relief, grabbing three quickly and stopping the blood from going into her mouth. 

"So, I suppose you are wondering why you are here, Miss Andrews." He said, sitting at his desk. 

"Well, yes." 

"You recall our last encounter," He leaned forward and she nodded, "Tell me what happened." 

She was taken aback at this abrupt request, but she took a deep breath and said most of what she remembered. 

"You were handing me your cauldron and then suddenly images flew through my mind, and I passed out." 

"And?" He seemed to be expecting more and she frowned, rolling her eyes. 

"What were the images, obviously." 

"Oh, the images. Just... a person, I couldn't make out anything else." She lied. Well, it had been a person, but she had seen the face. 

"Oh... alright." He said, almost seeming relieved. 

"Well, how did you do it?" He asked bluntly. 

"Uh, it just happened." She said, frowning and looking down.

"Don't lie to me!" He suddenly yelled, making her jump because she was not expecting this reaction. What did she do wrong this time? It was just the truth. 

"I'm not lying, professor," she said, a bit rudely but she didn't care at this point. He narrowed his eyes and suddenly there was a weird feeling in her head as if it was spinning, and the room disappeared. She quickly saw herself, sitting in the orphanage bedroom crying, and then it flashed to her in the same place, reading Shakespeare. Then, it started flashing through meeting Fred and George and then through every single thing up until her night with Draco, sitting by the lake and laughing. She knew he was reading her mind, and she fought with all of her mind to make him stop. Suddenly she jolted back to the room, Snape's office. 

She panted, realizing she was sweating and dizzy all over. She stumbled up from her chair, turning away from the desk. She reached the door and stopped, a look of pure fury on her face. 

"What. The. Hell. was. that." 

He began to speak but she slammed open the door and complete anger took her over making her do something she would regret. She raised her hand behind her as she left, flipping him off in the angriest way possible and then running away down the hall.  

He had just invaded her privacy as easily as that, seeing her entire life in front of him. That complete and entire ass hole. 

She began to feel very dizzy and lightheaded as she ran to the astronomy tower for some fresh air. She panted, standing by the balcony and breathing deeply. Spots began to appear in her eyes however and she began to stumble, and suddenly she was on the ground. The last thing she saw before everything went dark was a blurry figure running towards her. 


Draco was walking annoyedly down the hallway to the astronomy tower. Why did Erabelle always have to be so annoying? Maybe he just shouldn't talk to her anymore. Stupid idea, really, trying to be her friend. She was a Gryffindor, for Merlin's sake!

But the way her nose crinkled when she laughed was so cute... 

No! Mustn't think that way. She's just Andrews. His Enemy for years! Now, well now he didn't know. But she was certainly NOT cute. 

He continued walking, stomping a little like a child in spite of himself. He reached the stairs to the astronomy tower, needing some fresh air after his long day. Suddenly, he heard panting and... Erabelle. 

She was swaying back and forth and then she toppled over on the stone floor, hitting her head painfully on the ground. He suddenly felt a wave of panic and rushed toward her in full drive, needing her to be alright. 

He shook her lightly, with no reaction. 

"Andrews! Wake up! Come on, Era, come on." He felt for her pulse and she was still breathing, thank god. She had passed out though and was very pale and her forehead was cold. He touched her cheek softly and sighed,

"Why do we always end up meeting like this?" And then picked her up in his arms quickly and rushed her to the hospital wing. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2019 ⏰

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