Chapter One- Explanations and New Beginnings

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     Humans. They do not care for others; and those who do are never in the right place. One would think when driving a Semi-Truck, a powerful and hard to control vehicle; That the driver would ensure he was able to do so flawlessly. Yet this man didn't. He drove drunk and that ended with me dead. Some may be wondering, how I know that I am dead. You see, death does in fact have a feeling. Those feelings are emptiness and pain. The pain was gone within seconds however the emptiness had never left, and quite surprisingly the vast darkness was somewhat soothing. Yet as I came to the conclusion that I would be stuck in the darkness for eternity; a voice called out to me, "Well aren't you a curious human. We of the council would like to congratulate you about being the lucky woman....actually one out of 4 million women...who is to be reincarnated in another universe!" The voice was deep, and boomed around me as a small light came into focus. "Reincarnated? No. That is not possible, reincarnation only happens in stories and old wives tales." I spoke with a raised brow before averting my eyes from the light; my comment only seemed to humor the light as it seemed to shake and a loud laugh sounded around the darkness.
"Alright little lady, Please stand at the podium and allow the reincarnation to begin." As the thing began to speak, the darkness slowly began to recede and a golden podium was quickly revealed. My feet gently hit the ground while the light slowly materialized into a woman with long red hair and beautiful violet eyes. The woman had a radiant smile and the voice was now replaced with a soothing feminine one, "Please, hurry to the podium." she said, resulting in me snapping out of my trance-like state. I smiled as I began to scratch the back of my neck, "Sorry." I said lightly, However my body seeming to be nudged towards the podium. I took the hint and stepped forward and onto the podium. "If you will, answer the questions in accordance to how you wish to be reincarnated." Her soft voice said, my only response was to nod...and then the questions began.

"Do you wish to be a male or a female?"

"Female, Please."

"Which clan? Akamichi, Aburame, Haruno, Hatake, Hyūga, Inuzuka, Nara, Uchiha, Sarutobi, Uzumaki, Yamanaka, or none of the above?"

"Um...well, they all seem important but..I'll choose Aburame it sounds familiar.."

"Unique aspects, please choose 5."

The Smart Ass- You are the smartest person in your age group. Most people will come to you for advice. Intelligence +200
The strongest there is- You are the strongest person in your age group. You are often seen as the big person and someone not to mess with.
Strength +200
The Sword Specialist- You are able to kick anyone's ass when you have a sword. Your name is well known with other sword wielders.
Sword +200
Try me bitch- No one messes with you, as your stare alone can scare the crap out of many.
Intimidation +200
Gamer- You control the arena. You make the rules of the battle ground.
Area Control +200
Vocalist- Whatever you say goes. Your word is law.
Area Control +200
Silent but deadly- No one can hear your movements, so killing without being caught is easy.
Stealth +200
On fire- Natural affiliation with fire. Easier time learning fire jutsus.
Fire +200
Gone with the wind- Natural affiliation with the wind. Easier time learning wind jutsus.
Wind +200
As laid back as the shore - Natural Water Affiliation. Easier time learning Water jutsus.
Water +200
Fast as lightening - Natural Lightening Affiliation. Easier time learning Lightening jutsus.
Lightening +200
As hard a stone - Natural Earth Affiliation. Easier time learning Earth jutsus.
Earth +200
Crazy - Your gutsy, VERY GUTSY. Most would see you as insane when you jump into battle.
Gutsy +200

"hmmm...i choose....As hard as stone...Silent but deadly...Try me Bitch....The Smartass and...Vocalist..."

"Very nice choices. On the screen before you, a few randomized characters will appear. These appearances will be general to the Aburame clan which you have chosen to become apart of. The buttons on the podium, will allow you to weed through the appearances and choose whom you wish to become. Green means you wish to be that person and Red being Skip to the next appearance."



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"No..." I said more to myself as I gently pressed the red button.

" I said more to myself as I gently pressed the red button

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"No." I repeated the process of flipping through different people before coming upon one appearance.

"Oh this one is perfect

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"Oh this one is perfect...!" A smile rose to my lips as I basically slammed the green button.

"See you there, Dear~"

Without warning the podium seemed to be ripped from the room while the image slowly dissolved into code and then. I blacked out. I sat floating in darkness, my mind flipping through thoughts then one surfaced with the utmost importance. "What even is my name?" I asked myself before a beam of light made me shoot up from my...bed. I looked around confused. "W-wait...a b-bed?" I spoke softly while my hands began to feel the fabrics. My eyes widened and I quickly stumbled from the bed and towards a mirror. "Holy worked?!" I said staring at the appearance of an older woman. The woman I chose while being reincarnated. "What Universe am I even in..?" I questioned softly while returning to the bed.

A/N: Hello! This is my new creation. i have decided to leave it here, feel free to comment japanese names that you feel would fit our new Aburame Heroine! I want this to turn into a romance but idk with whom yet, feel free to comment possible matches...AND THIS WILL TAKE PLACE IN SHIPPUDEN. I do not own Naruto, Kishimoto does. adriawolfmoon owns the concept and process of the reincarnation ^^

EDITED 2.4.24

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