Chapter Three- Ms.Aburame

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This time waking up was so much easier for Rika. She was awoken by the sun in her eyes and butterflies flying around her room, occasionally landing on flowers.

Rika groaned softly, shifting her body weight until she was comfortable once again. While she was drifting off to sleep a loud voice screamed as her door was slammed open, "Rika get up, get dressed and eat! You need to go to the Hokage!" Kushina's loud voice was enough to wake the village...if they could hear her. Rika sighed, "Up..." she muttered softly while she unwillingly pulled herself to get up.

She glanced around her room before standing and making her way to her new closet. Kushina, who had been watching the girl to make sure she got up, hummed then walked away. Once she was sure Kushina was no longer watching her, she changed into her new everyday attire.

Rika attempted to tame her rather messy hair which was a trademark of the Aburame Clan, however her hair seemed to win as the comb got stuck in it. "I...give up." she mumbled tiredly, removing the comb from the mess of tangles that was her hair and made her way down the stairs.

Despite being a spirit, Kushina was able to interact with all her belongings. Even the bugs could land on her, so the redhead was standing at the stove making what looked to be pancakes. "What are you doing?" the question was blunt and actually surprised Rika by how flat it sounded. Her personality really was changing, whether for the better she couldn't tell yet. Kushina turned, a spatula in her hands, "I'm making breakfast, don't question me!" She started out calmly however her voice soon escalated and she basically screamed.

This only made Rika turn away, gently rubbing her ear, "Too loud..." she said glanced at her before Kushina pointed to the small dining table, only to turn around putting some pancakes onto plates. Rika got the hint and sat down at the table and soon a piping hot plate of pancakes sat in front of her while a ghost of a smile graced her lips.

However with a soft twitch of her lips it was gone and she began to eat. Kushina watched her, quickly cleaning up before speaking once more. "You have to get a mission, go to Tsunade to claim any mission. You really need money." was what she said, quite softly for her as well.

Rika nodded with a small hum as a response to say that she understood...without really actually speaking and then, Kushina disappeared.


Rika glanced around her, her glasses hiding her face eyes from everyone while her large scarf hid her face. She quickly began to notice everyone's reaction to her. Most children stared, mother's scolded their young children and moved them away from her while other completely ignored her presence. 

She was about to enter the Hokage Office when a particularly startling yet small chakra buzzed in panic. Her eyes shifted to a little to see a young girl, the child sat knelt next to a beetle, gently picking it up to place it into a rather...unsuitable containment.

Rika shook her head and gently walked over to her. The young child didn't even notice Rika as she knelt down until the box was taken from her. "Hey!" the little girl said in annoyance however as her eyes locked with the glasses of an Aburame, a shiver of fear ran down her spine. Rika stared at the girl sputtering apologies, "Wrong containment." she said simply, this response made the girl tilt her head in confusion, her fear settling down slowly.

It wasn't until Rika opened a scroll and pulled out a glass jar that the girl began to understand what she meant. The jar was big enough for another beetle as it already had one inside. With a soft touch Rika lifted the beetle before allowing it to fall into the jar. Rika glanced up at the girl and nodded pushing the jar to her. "If you have questions how to care for them, stop by the compound." Rika said, speaking more to the little girl than she had to Kushina that day.

"My name is Conis...thank you Ms.Aburame!" Conis said as she pushed herself to stand beside Rika, and with a wave the young girl was running off, holding the jar close to her chest. A small smile twitched at Rika's lips as she turned entering the Hokage's Office.


A/N: DONE! A bit of a filler but she will be on a mission next chapter and it's rather interesting! Also picture in media is Conis! If anyone has any idea's for the mission, please comment them :DD

Edited 2.4.24

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