Chapter Two- Adaption

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A/N- (POV switches to third person!)

Life of an Aburame was hard. It had taken Rika approximately 5 minutes to get used to the bugs in her...what they called...Chakra Coils? The newly invoked girl was truly confused. When she was alive she never minded bugs however now they were inside her. She couldn't really avoid them now. She had to embrace them. The whole thing of covering up her entire body wasn't really a problem for her and the glasses were quickly becoming a must. Every second she spent without them on in the daylight her eyes began to tear. No one told her that her eyes would become so sensitive. 

It had also taken Rika a few minutes to find out her name, it was on a sloppily made painting on the wall, obviously done by a child...most likely her. 'Okay....we will be okay.' She had thought to herself as she pulled on the clothing that the app— she...wore on the screen. She had to admit she looked good. Even though she was covered, she looked mysterious and she truthfully loved mysterious things, and now she was one. Rika sat on her bed, contemplating if she should or shouldn't leave the room...eventually she came to the conclusion she must. Once she work up the courage to exit the bedroom and walk down the stairs, it took all but a glance around to see she lived alone. 

Yet her eyes did catch the numerous bugs around the house. Beetles in large tanks, well taken care of. Glow worms in a few jars and even butterflies moved freely through the house and outside. "This Aburame Clan must really like bugs.." she mumbled to herself while bending a bit at the waist to look into the stag beetle cage. The stag beetles paid no mind to her, doing whatever they pleased as she observed in fascination. "I can feel myself beginning to get interested in them..." she muttered before a voice spoke to her, "That is what the Aburame stand for. Bugs are their specialty. You chose one of the most peculiar and unique clans in Konoha." It was the woman again to spoke. She sat in the living-room, a magazine in her hands.

 "Are you just going to follow me around...?" Rika asked as she walked towards the woman who began to Rika it sounded like small bells, and her bugs also seemed to enjoy the sound. "No, The council and my husband have assigned me to watch over you until you can adapt to this making you understand all the Jutsus and training that your appearance was given as a child. You are 17 now." she said in a matter-of-fact tone. Rika tilted her head as she slowly sat on the couch, "I'm 17? Also what in Jashin's name is a jutsu?" she said before her face contorted into one of extreme confusion. "Who even is this Jashin...?!" Rika said without noticing the woman laughing her head off. 

"We will explain later. There is no need for you to...freak out. However, Welcome to Konohagakure, Rika. My name is Kushina Kamikaze, formally Kushina Uzumaki." Kushina spoke, then Rika's eyes widened. "Oh my god! I remember you! You are from that anime Kelsey* loved!" she said, a smile growing on her hidden lips. Kushina giggled softly before nodding, "You are a lucky girl. Being reincarnated into one of the strongest clans of Konoha. Lets get to training." She said as she stood up. Rika nodded with a smile, completely unaware of the intense work she would be put through.


Rika panted as her arms throbbed as she was once more moved to punch a tree. "Academy students are pushed to bring up endurance. You already have every skill of an S-Ranked Criminal. You just need to unlock them. Keep punching." Kushina basically commanded as she watched Rika's punches become harder, while her exhaustion began to visibly recess. This new development made Kushina smile. The woman may not be able to be seen or talk to her son, but she could at least help this girl get a hold of her new life. Kushina was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard something snap and fall. She turned her head to see Rika blinking stupidly at a fallen tree. 

"Did I just do that?" Rika asked herself, her voice a bit high pitched. Kushina laughed softly, "Yes it seems you have. Now I need to tell you. The Aburame do not speak much and are rather socially awkward...After all they are bound to feel uncomfortable speaking to humans. The personality change will begin to show rather slowly, you will most likely start by avoiding conversation and becoming quiet." Kushina spoke while Rika listened. 

She had already noticed a change, the new Aburame never shut up during her old life, while now she was beginning to speak in shorter or more compact sentences. Who knew something as family heritage could influence her personality. "You should go to the Hokage. You are a chunin, and you have to request to be promoted to a Jonin." Kushina spoke causing the Aburame to nod in response. "Go home and shower." Was the last response Rika heard before Kushina disappeared, she sighed. "fine." was a soft reply before she began to make her way towards the Aburame Compound. 


A/N: Heyyy! second chapter out within two days! I hope to reply every day or every other day, if i don't please bug me until i do!

*Kelsey is Rika's best friend from her previous life.

Edited 2.4.24

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