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Wandering through Twilight Town with nothing but her previous knowledge of its mapping within the Kingdom Hearts III game, (F/N) swiftly twisted and turned through familiar corners and passageways. She could spot the familiar pots of fruits and vegetables at the side of the pathway leading up to the town's central and the familiar structure of the bricked houses that create somewhat of a fortress around town. Everything seemed so nostalgic to her. She indeed was reincarnated into the Kingdom Hearts III game, though the reason why, she doesn't know. Even if she did, she was willing to bet a quick buck that she wouldn't understand. Slowly taking in her new surroundings, (F/N) smiled at the sight of a Tram passing by. It reminded her of when Sora suddenly felt Roxas' familiarity towards the town. "Carrying around a little hurt can't be all that bad...Hurting is part of caring..." She mumbled to herself, unknowingly clenching her hand in the process. A smiled graced her soft features and a quiet sigh escaped her mouth. Whatever her purpose for being here was, she couldn't really care too much about it. All she knew was that, she had the knowledge, the advantage and maybe the ability to survive in this world. Her chances of living a better life here is way more imminent than on Earth. Besides, she'd get to meet her favourite character, Sora! If she could just stay in Twilight Town and wait for the flag of when Sora arrives within Uncle Scrooge's bistro her life would be complete. Though, first of all, where was she going to stay until then? Maybe at Olettte's place? Pence's? Hayner's? No, she can't. She couldn't. Although she knew them quite well she could never suddenly intrude in their lives. After all, when she met them she was seen as Sora and Roxas but not herself. She desperately needed somewhere to stay and as if it were planned Uncle Scrooge appeared behind her with a smile plastered on his duck bill.
    "Why hello there madame," He tipped his hat as a sign of goodwill towards (F/N) and she returned the favour by acting out a curtsy. "You looked quite stressed, madame. My chef felt worried for you and sent me outside to ask what's bothering you."
    "O-oh really? Well, I was looking for somewhere to stay for the meanwhile. I don't really have anywhere I could crash at-"
    "Can you cook?" Uncle Scrooge interjected all too suddenly.
    "Why, yes! Yes I do," (F/N) stated proudly. Ever since her parents' death she's been living by herself and, of course, within that time period she's managed to learn how to do many things. Cooking was one of them.
    "Then, you could stay at my bistro for a while. I've been looking for a cooking assistant for my Chef. He's quite small and can't reach certain places in the kitchen, you see,"Uncle Scrooge explained, slowly taking off his cap to reveal a small, turquoise furred rat. Why didn't she notice the minuscule creature before? Was the creature hiding before? Though, what she did know was who the creature was.
    "Hey, Remy!" She exclaimed gleefully, offering her hand out for the turquoise rat, Remy, to crawl on. Remy obliged and slowly climbed his way to the top of (F/N)'s head.
    "W-wha- Do you know each other?" Uncle Scrooge inquired, slowly leading (F/N) towards his bistro.
    "W-well...H-he's pretty famous from where I lived?" (F/N) mentally facepalmed herself. That was definitely suspicious. Too suspicious at the least.
    "Mhm, I see. It makes sense. I did scout him from a very famous restaurant."
    Both Uncle Scrooge and (F/N) entered the bistro and the sound of a ringing bell pressed onto her eardrums. The scent of freshly baked goods swarmed her senses immediately. Tarte aux Fraise, Chocolat Truffles, Petite Vanille Gâteau. A giddy grin plastered itself on her face as she walked by the display set. What a change of luck! She got herself a place to stay! Not to mention that the place she was going to stay in was the place she was planning to meet Sora in! What a sudden change of luck indeed.

Days quickly morphed into months and soon the time had arrived for Sora to enter the bistro. Her heart pounded against her chest non-stop, her breath staggered and her lips forming a crooked grin. She was ecstatic.

Sora's eyes inspected every aspect of the bistro. From it's delicious treats to it's happy customers, he inspected them all silently. Uncle Scrooge spoke to Sora's companions, Donald and Goofy, leaving Sora on his own to wander about the bistro.
(F/N) couldn't stop the pounding in her chest. She tried to take one step towards Sora and instantaneously her legs were noodles. Her body wasn't cooperating with her. Her brain told her legs to move and walk towards him, but alas, her efforts were in vain. Why was she so nervous?


I know this chapter is really anti climatic. It's actually extremely short too and my grammar seems worse than usual. As you may have noticed, I have an intense case of writer's block and it usually happens every one to two chapters. Yes, to me this is an actual disease that claws out my creativity. Anyways, next chapter will contain more things to look forward to compared to this chapter. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this!! Your support keeps my creativeness flowing!

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