Do I Love You

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Hey guys so this is a poem that was written from a feeling from my beautiful, pure heart. My friend told me a feeling I have for someone could be what is called "Love", she thinks I'm definitely in love, with a special someone. I'm just affraid of telling him.....I don't wanna scare him away. We've known each other online for maybe a week or two, or something like that, we support each other, chat with each other like everyday. I'm not affraid to tell him about myself and my past or my future.

Do I love you?,

maybe when our moons collide,

maybe in the future,

it seems our stars are all alined

do I like you?,

more than you will ever know,

when you speak,

you have me laughing,

when you're so kind,

I smile,

when you say the warmest of things,

you have me giggling,

when you're just being you,

you have me going crazy,

"should I tell him?", I ask myself,

then I remember,

I have yet to see your face,

when I think of you,

it's like I'm in space,

When I'm sad,

there is nothing more than you to cheer me up,

I admire your songful soul,

your songs, words of the warmest heart they are,

you had your past,

I know I've had mine,

even a day I spend missing you,

it feels like a part of my heart is gone,

with you, my heart is whole,

your friendship is priceless,

your words unforgettable to me,

your charm, a fire it lights in me,

the flirt, you have me flirting back,

only playfulness this is,

seriousness not always events,

when two hearts so pure,

come as one,

there is nothing else to wonder,

to me you're everything,

Poetry: The Truth Of My Heart And My MindWhere stories live. Discover now