Chapter 2

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O - Chap 2

"If I see you today you have to say hey to me", I smuggly typed.

"Bet", he said

I couldn't help but put a smile on my face.

You know that phenomenon where you could never have seen a person in your entire life, but the moment you do, you can't stop seeing them.

Yeah, it seemed that everywhere I turned all I saw was Otis.

Seeing is one thing, but we had yet to make actual verbal contact. Snapchatting was cute and all but no relationship can progress without, hmmm I don't know?--- actually talking.

This was it, I would walk past him on my way back from lunch as he went to lunch. The perfect fleeting moment to avoid a lengthy awkward interaction. Short and sweet no problem.

Then I saw him wearing the typical soccer player fit; black adidas track pants with a black nike windbreaker. Simple but cute.

I opened my mouth to say a simple "hey" or "what's up", just to be greeted with the charming line...


That was it.

All this built up tension for those two fleeting words. I'm ashamed to say my heart fluttered.

Now I know we are all familiar with the particular genre of flirting under the title: Insults. We are all aware of the twisted satisfaction of a boy insulting you in the "cute" flirtatious manner.

"'Uglah- ass' really?!", I typed

"Lol", he typed back



The next few days surpassed with about the same amount of interaction than before. Simple "heys" and "what's ups" with the occasional "uglah-ass"

Me? I was in pure bliss. Male attention, all a teenage girl could ever ask for.

I looked down at my phone as I received a new message

"You going to that bowling thing?" it read

"The soccer team bowling thing??" I responded.

Otis quickly replied, "Yeah"

"Yeah I think so, are you?"

"Nah, but you should come to my house after".

Now ladies, forewarning, if you are "talking" to a boy and he doesn't ask you on a date or ask you to do anything besides come to his house, every single red warning light in your brain should go off.

Mine, of course, didn't.

" Okay! I don't know how late it's going to be and I have to be home by 10"


And just like that the deal was done. I was going over to a boy's house. A boy that I had started to catch feelings for. Who I was attracted to and could potentially see myself dating.



The bowling night came and went. All I could think about was what would happen at Otis' house. More importantly WOULD anything happen at Otis' house.

Before I left the bowling alley I checked in with him to make sure we were still on. At this point it was already eight and I knew time was ticking. Would we have enough time to chill, talk, and get to know each other? I hoped so.

"Hey I'm done send me the addy" I texted.

He responded quickly: not to my surprise. He had been texting me all night to leave and come over.

"Okay I'm headed out now"

Surprisingly, he lived less than 10 minutes away from the bowling alley. Although this worked well for the time crunch I was on, this gave me little time to hype myself up in the car. I had to pull out the big guns. I started with a classic.

First: Rihanna's Bitch Better Have My Money

Then, Feeling Myself by the dynamic duo Nicki and Beyonce

Finally, Drake's Look Alive

Cheesy I know, but a bitch was nervous.

I pulled up to a quaint but cute house and parked in the driveway

"Here", I texted waiting for him to come walk me in, my stomach churning with nervousness.

Then there he was, in all his glory. He was wearing a white wife-beater and adidas track pants. As basic as it seemed, he looked sexy.

I gingerly got out of my car, trying not to show how nervous I actually was.

"Hey" I said, coming out more quietly than I would have wanted.

"What's up?", he said, "Come on in, let's go to my room."

I followed him in and back to his room. Funny how familiar I felt to it just from seeing it in snapchats.

He sat on his bed while I took the chair across from him.

"What are you doing over there? Why don't you sit on the bed next to me"

Okay smooth...

I got up taking my jacket off and setting my keys down in the process. I sat on the bed a comfortably close yet comfortably safe distance away.

We began to small talk about school, soccer, and my experience at the bowling alley.

Then as things began to quiet down, I noticed we had each inched closer to each other. I liked the way  this was heading.

Then all at once he was on top of me. I looked into his eyes just as our lips smashed together. It felt so good how our bodies meshed together as his lips massaged mine. His hands quickly moved up to the nape of my neck as we further dove into the kiss. I began to dig my nails deeper and deeper into his back just as our tongues began to intertwine.

Wow, I had not had a makeout session like this since freshman year.

As quickly as he had gotten on top of me he pulled me on top of him. We both took a moment to breath and then just as fast I began to, basically lick the inside of his mouth. His hands, now tangled in my black curly hair, all at once began to move down my body. First delicately massaging my boobs then more violently caressing them. His hands didn't stop there though, as they continued to explore my body. Then all at once I felt his hand begin to reach into my pants.

"Hold up", I thought.

Without breaking our lips apart I quickly moved his hand away. I wasn't ready for all of that. I was still a sweet and innocent virgin. I had never had anyone explore my body like that before, and didn't feel ready for anyone to, especially tonight.

When we had finally broken away from our hot makeout, I checked the time on my phone. It was already 9:30 but considering I lived twenty minutes away I had to leave soon.

"Oh shit I need to go", I said still breathy from the lack of oxygen I had just endured.

"You gotta go right now"

"Yeah", I said, "If I'm not back by curfew it'll be bad".

"Alright, I'll walk you out".

We walked through his house and out to my car. He gave me a small peck goodnight as I got into my car. I managed to smile the whole ride home. If only I knew then what I knew now. If only I knew what type of emotion turmoil I was about to get myself into.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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