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"Who are you?" I asked my head puzzled with all that happened because of this girl "Zira. But you are in no place to ask me who i am, will you please start with explaining why you were following me from the flower shop?"she didn't look at me when she said that. She was so busy trying to untangle the rope on her tiny hands "You knew?" I was known to be a stray cat. She must be one too. Why am I distracted

"look here girl, we are not going to do this now, not ever again. Just tell where you heard that lullaby" she turned and i saw offence in her eyes "that's none of your business" this is ridiculous "do I look like i am joking right now? JUST TELL ME WHERE YOU HEARD THAT DAMN LULLABY" "you have no right to yell at me explain yourself first. I didn't ask you to follow me and to hell with your reason. They are going to kill me after minutes the least you can do is stop bothering me" her voice echoed all around me

"what in the world did you steal from these people" i still find it hard to believe that she is involved. She is too naive for this world "is that what i look like in your eyes? A thief? Look at yourself dude. You are a bloody gunman. You have no right to talk about my life. You don't know me" sincerity flew from her eyes as she said those words "so Ms. Innocent... why are you involved in this bloody struggle and what is all this about? Wait actually don't answer that I don't care. Just tell me where you heard my mothers lullaby and i swear if you make me ask you one more time when those people come back all they'll find is your body" I kicked the chair with my feet to let off some steam

"madame Sarah is your mother?" "Finally, we are getting somewhere" the anger in my veins was slowly being replaced with my mother's warm memories as my expressions got softer "okay... i will tell you but its kind of a long story" "please" i pleaded. If there was a part of my mother's life i didn't know, i would like to know all of it.

"We are not really related but she's someone i owe big time. It all happened in a brief second. I was having dinner with my mom and dad when gun fire started out of thin air. My mom dragged me behind the sofa and put her body over mine. My dad was too late to protect himself. Bullets rained on our house and that is when a lady barged in and started shooting back "get your daughter out of the house right now" she ordered and mom dragged me by the shoulders. Things eventually went quiet except for my mothers weeping sound. The lady came out and picked me up. "Are you okay little girl?" My mother kept thanking her and kissing her hands till she calmed. Sarah knew the loss of a father was a huge blow for us so she has always been there for us. She was there when my tooth fell, she was there when i started school, she was there when i had my first crush on a boy, she was there on all my presentations and she was there when my mother died..."

She was quite for a while and i got a good look at her face when the wind blew her long brown hair back.

"Zira..." it was the first time i addressed her with her name. "I am sorry i called you a thief. I really didn't know" she smiled, a very cute smile. Holy mother of God what was i thinking. I was sent to kill her 10 minutes ago and now i think she's cute. I mentally slapped myself for being so dumb.

"Its okay you're not the first" "I mean i am really sorry. But how did your father get involved?" "Nothing special just a loan he couldn't pay. When my mother died, Sarah took me to a camp because i had no relatives. i stayed for two years but run away when she died.
I looked for my fathers killers seeking revenge. That's how met these people. Quinn helped me kill them in exchange for 5 labours i would grant him. His first wish was for me to deal his drugs for students but i wasn't about to allow their innocent lives to be this messed up.

I have always believed that i was the only one with a horrible back story involved with dirt. This was how i found out that i had more in common with my target than those people who told me to shoot her.

I took a blade out of sleeve and carefully sliced the rope around my hands. I untied her and offered her a hand "we have no time, hurry" i had no plans of being killed right after announcing my freedom. "I have a feeling that this is going to end bad" she joked as she took my hands.

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