'I need to know who to threaten'

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A/N Sooo sorry for the long wait!! I'm a bit more in the swing of it now so hopefully another chapter will come up soon!

Reminder: I stare at the door to Sam’s room, wondering what to do. I’ve only now really thought about Sam ignoring me for the past week. Maybe this was what he was doing every day – going out, fighting, and trying to resist getting his injuries checked out. A tear slips down my cheek as I sit facing Sam’s room, and as I wipe it away I get myself together the best I can and stand up.

 I want answers.

I sigh and try to ignore the stares of my friends as I sit down at the lunch table beside Matt. Out of the corner of my eye I see Izzy and Aimee exchange a worried glance and force myself to flash them a smile. ‘Hey guys,’ I say, making myself look around and meet their eyes. Each of them murmurs a ‘hey’ but look uncomfortable. Gritting my teeth, I try to start a conversation. ‘Aims, are you coming to the art club thing today?’

I instantly know I’ve struck gold when Aimee’s face reddens and she looks away, trying to hide her embarrassed smile. ‘Um…’ she mutters and Lily gasps.

‘Oh my gosh, you have so got a date tonight!’ she says excitedly, her eyes widening and a grin breaking out over her face.

‘No way!’ I say, smiling, both happy for my friend and happy for the diversion of attention.

Aimee’s face instantly snaps round to mine her face paling as she seems to realise something. She grabs at my hand, expression desperate. ‘You can’t tell Ed, Mil! He’ll go crazy protective!’

I laugh. ‘I won’t, Aimee, I promise. Now tell us about it! Who is it?’ I question, amused by the sigh of relief Aimee makes at my words.

‘Yes, do tell. I need to know who to threaten,’ Hamish says, and we all laugh – except Hamish, who keeps a straight face. ‘I’m being serious.’

We ignore him and turn back to Aimee. Or most of us do – Matt’s too busy staring at some blonde chick across the room to car.

‘Uh, Michael Flynn?’ she tells us, but her tone makes it sound like a question. Lily immediately squeals. I know why, too – Michael Flynn is known widely throughout are year as the hot yet kind athlete – he’s a sprinter, I think. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t had a minor crush on him at some point – who could resist those golden curls?

‘Oh my gosh, he is so cute!’ Lily squeaks, and Hamish lifts an eyebrow at her. She shrugs. ‘What? It’s true. But don’t worry, I love you more,’ she tells him with a wink, leaning down to peck him on the lips, which then leads to more major kissing – making the rest of us groan.

‘Cut it out,’ says Aimee, rolling her eyes.

‘You guys really need to get a room,’ Izzy mutters as they draw apart, still making gooey eyes at each other.

Turning back to Aimee, I ask, ‘So how did this develop? And why wasn’t I informed?’

Aimee grins shyly – which is definitely a first. Aimee is never shy. ‘He’s my partner for a project in English.’ She turns beetroot. ‘He’s really sweet,’ she mumbles.

We spend the rest of the lunch period finding out more about Aimee’s date and teasing her about it. By the end she’s as embarrassed as I’ve ever seen her. Nearing the end of lunch, Aimee and I head to biology together.

‘So are you going to need any help getting ready?’ I offer, but she shakes her head.

‘Nah, don’t worry about it. I already know what I’m wearing, and my mum’s going to do my hair,’ she tells me.

‘So your mum knows but not Ed?’ I confirm.


We reached the classroom, falling into silence as we take our seats at the back of the classroom. Our biology class is surprisingly big for an A-level class, so we’re pretty well hidden at the back. Once everyone’s in their seats, a substitute enters and we all groan quietly. The substitute puts on a documentary that I can’t even pay attention to long enough to work out what it’s about. I just about feel myself falling to sleep when a nudge wakes me and Aimee slides a piece of paper to me.

How’s Samuel? it reads, and my mouth drops open in shock. I glance up at her, but her attention has turned to the board where the DVD is playing. The first time any of my friends ask about Sam, and it’s the one time I’m not talking to him. I pick a pen out of my blazer pocket and write back.

He was let out of hospital on Sunday. Haven’t talked to him since. I slide the message to her and watch as she reads it, a frown on her face. It takes a little longer for her to write her response.

I’ve seen him around school. How come you haven’t been hanging out with him? Don’t get me wrong, we love having you around, but… we’re worried about you.

I read the note and feel my eyes stinging. I’m not sure why, but the fact that Aimee is worried about my relationship with Sam makes me feel happy – sort of. I guess it means that she accepts my friendship with Sam as a big part of my life.

He won’t tell me anything. It’s like he doesn’t trust me. I told him to get his act together before speaking to me again. I want answers, but he just keeps providing new questions.

Aimee reads the sentences I’ve scribbled, gives me a sympathetic look, and sighs, turning back to the board. Feeling unexpectedly emotional at the thought of my friendship with Sam at the moment, I bury my head in my hand and allow myself to cry a little.


‘I just don’t understand why you’d like him,’ I press, throwing my hands up along with the pencil clutched in my left hand. Freya laughs, continuing to wash paintbrushes. ‘He’s such a…’ I search for the right word to sum up my brother. ‘a… a slob!’ I say, making Freya laugh even harder. ‘And you’re going to have to live with that mess.'

She shrugs, eyes bright with amusement. ‘Well luckily I’m not a neat freak,’ she says, grinning widely. ‘And he really is wonderful, Millie. He talks about you all the time, too.’

At that, it’s my turn to shrug. ‘Who wouldn’t? I’m such an interesting person,’ I remind her, and she laughs again.

‘Sure,’ she says, and I stick my tongue out at her.

‘You know it.’

She sighs. ‘Yeah, I do. How’s the piece going?’ she asks.

I study my sketch critically. ‘I think I’ve done enough today. I think I’m starting to go cross-eyed.’ Freya grins and helps me pack up, telling me to say ‘hi’ to Harry for her.

As I drive home I contemplate dropping off at Sam’s to see how he is, but force myself not to, reminding myself that he was the one in the wrong, not me. He’d told me he’d tell me everything, but had just shut me out. I was right to be mad.

Pulling into the drive, I waved to Mrs. Garrett through the window and then frowned noticing the unfamiliar car in our driveway. Making my way into the house I instantly started looking round for visitors, and a rush of excitement shot through me when I recognized the figure stood in our lounge with mum.


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