The Nightmare

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"S...seokjin-hyung?" Jungkook said as he saw his hyung tense and his heart rate increase on the monitor.

A tear left Seokjin's eyes as the room started spinning and he felt like he's going to throw up, his whole body started shaking out of intense fear, he was pretty shaken up, it wasn't every day that you hear you died and was brought back to life. He lost his composure as worst case scenarios crossed his mind. What if CPR didn't work? What if he stayed longer in the water and no one got to help him on time? What if they did get him out but didn't try to bring him back to life? Seokjin would be dead right now, would have completely left his life and the people who he loved behind and he wouldn't be breathing here with them.

He couldn't control himself. He started Blubbering and gasping for the air that he's losing, feeling like chocking.

The nurse quickly got closer to him and started trying the same method as earlier, sure that he's getting another panic attack "Seokjin, hey it's okay sweetie, everything is okay, you're alive, nothing bad will happen to you, trust me, you're safe, you're totally safe so just breath" Mark tried but it didn't seem to work this time, he held Seokjin's hand but Seokjin flinched and pushed his hand away, he was out of control but that didn't stop Mark from trying.

The doctor regreted his words, he didn't mean for this to happen and didn't know what to do to help, even the oxgyen mask and Mark whose by Seokjin's side, didn't seem to help.

"Seokjin, please Seokjin, listen to me" Mark tried to get Seokjin's attention again but to no avail as Seokjin blocked his now ringing ears with his hands.

The members were frozen and didn't know what to do but Namjoon couldn't take this anymore, it hurt so bad to see their hyung like this, he took a deep breath before moving towards Seokjin's direction, closing the distance between them.

Namjoon was nervous but it wasn't the time to let nervousness stop him from helping his hyung, he needed to do something.

"Seokjin-hyung, look at me please" Namjoon softly said as he reached to touch Seokjin's hands "Please hyung, listen to me, you know we love you right? We're here for you and we will always be, You're part of us and we will never leave you alone" Namjoon reassured and lifted Seokjin's damp bangs to give his forehead a gentle kiss "look at me Seokjin hyung, look at my eyes, try focusing on them, can you do that for me please?"

Even though seokjin's ears were painfully ringing and he was out of his own control, something about namjoon's sweet voice managed to grab his attention and he looked up at Namjoon's warm eyes, not really focusing on them though.

Seokjin clawed at his throat, he couldn't breath and his chest hurt. The fear showed in his eyes as he gasped harder for air, he felt as if something is blocking his airways and it only scared him even more, fearing that he's actually going to die at some point.

The nurse noticed this and placed the oxygen mask back to his face to make breathing easier for him.

"Hyung, listen to me, i need you to breath and count to ten with me, alright? Can you do that? Come on, try doing it like i do, one...two..." Namjoon said as he gently patted Seokjin's head.

Yoongi moved to Seokjin's side and the other members followed after him one by one, now surrounding Seokjin's bed.

Jimin patted Seokjin's back in a reassuring manner which fortunately seemed to work a little.

"O-one...two" Seokjin began to slowly count in a whisper with Namjoon between gasps.

"Three...four...five" Namjoon counted slowly and Seokjin followed. This method seemed to work as Namjoon noticed that with every number Seokjin said, his gasps decreased and his breathing became steadier.

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